As it turns out, a PC version of Street Fighter X Tekken was not supposed to be listed on a press release file Capcom sent out when the embargo for Captivate was lifted.
Along with mentioning that the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions of the game would release some time in 2012, a PC version was listed as well. Capcom's Christian Svensson had this to say about it.
Svensson: I can't say that it's happening and I won't say that it isn't happening... apologies for the confusion. It was listed on the FAQ sheet when it shouldn't have been there.
I realize that's raising more questions than its answering, but stay tuned. 不是吧!~~~~~:'( 只要超级街霸出PC就行了~~其他无所谓哈哈{:3_143:} 早就知道 首发 怎么可能再次考虑PC 这游戏可玩性 不见的会怎么样 不来也好啊 超级街霸4AE应该能出PC吧~ 楼上,你...