Site errorThe site has run in to a problem, please look at the error message below...In an effort to stop bandwidth leeching bots members cannot download a file more than 50 times. If you believe you are seeing this in error or can provide a good reason why you have downloaded this file more than 50 times please get in contact with a site admin.
Reporting this error
If you believe this error is due to a bug on the site then please use the contact form to let us know. When reporting this error please include this page URL with your report: www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/download.php?id=78335
在线等谢谢了 一个文件下50次...好像英文里面有这么说....反正又叫联系网管...主要你这个50次是怎么出来的... 下面那个说的好像是如果觉得是BUG就去那个网址报错 我也是,就是下那个同伴无限MOD下不了 {:3_134:}就是说一个文件被下载50就不能下载了么? 不是,而是你这个帐号已经下载超过50次了,可能你用的是共用帐号?? {:3_134:}重新注册应该没问题吧