本帖最后由 玛丽安 于 2011-3-24 06:29 编辑光看截图就知道很好玩,你将扮演一条龙摧毁人类王国,人类王国看上去像塔防游戏的地图,还支持多人对战(比哪条龙坏事做得多?)还是pc、mac、psp多平台,到时候关注肯定多。
攻击村庄!焚烧城堡!绑架公主!痛扁骑士!反人类玩家的最爱! {:3_161:}
YOU ARE THE DRAGON: [*]Scare villages![*]Burn castles![*]Collect gold and gems![*]Kidnap princesses![*]Roast pesky knights![*]Fend off thieves![*]Topple giants![*]Build a hoard of treasure![*]Compete or cooperate with other dragons in epic multiplayer battles!
Your goal is simple, but challenging: build the biggest pile of gold that you can!
Every action you take will have an effect on your score in this “stratecade” game that 1UP observes “hides a surprising layer of complexity and strategy.” To be the best, you’ll need to fly deftly, upgrade smartly, and use powerups to your advantage. Most of all, you’ll need to control the kingdom around you: Burn the crops to the ground or let them grow? Keep towns in ruins or let them flourish? In HOARD™, the dragon is in charge.
http://store.steampowered.com/app/63000/ 看上去还可以..不过蛋疼的塔防.. 看介绍是反TD.... 头像比截图亮 看截图那龙我怎么看怎么觉得像是在地上爬的。。。。{:3_159:} Kidnap princesses+1 ·······只不过画面好一点而已·· 看上去不错啊 记得原来有款游戏是以龙为主角的游戏,刚开始是红龙吧,记得后来有黑龙,6年多前玩过一阵子,不知道当时是因为bug还是我那悲剧的赛扬1.7加mx440只玩了一会儿。 还是大型的好玩点吧 见习天使2双子星简体中文完整硬盘版
http://www.paopaoche.net/danji/4127.html 我是来看头像的。。。 我也是来看头像的{:3_201:} 我就比较期待那个什么将军的头骨的欧系 我还是来看头像的。。。。 我也是来看头像的{:3_149:} 还有3小时发售! 等待汉化。。 关注一下了,谢谢楼主 还没发吗??????????????????????????? 看上去不错滴 貌似不错,出来了就玩玩 不错不错 就是啥时出呢.. 个人喜欢TD,反TD也不错哈~ 防御DOTA的类型,看着还不错 看上去很好玩啊 这个貌似比较有创意啊~~等等看~