【3DM本地下载/115网盘】《龙腾世纪2》 目前全部 20个官方DLC+隐藏物品 全部解锁 整合安装包
PS: 感谢illiria于3月11日将此资源在TPB上首发 这几天比较忙 今天看大相准备发a1chem1st3月11日于dl4all上首发的整合高压版 所以才想到也把这个单独发一下 没有注意到隔壁已经有同学发过了 很抱歉转帖注明出处:
Ok, this is a repack of all existing Dragon Age 2 DLCs.
It contains:
- Black Emporium
- Pre-Order Bonus Items
- Signature Edition Items
- The Exiled Prince
(Isaac's armor from Dead Space 2 is obviously included too).
IMPORTANT NOTES (yes, important, so read):
* Everything is cracked for you, you only need to press "Install";
* You will need to access your Special Deliveries chest twice in order to obtain Signature Edition and Pre-Order Bonus Items. Which means that you will need to exit the house, and return again;
* In order to have the Mabari war hound in your party, you need to open the character's ability tree, and drag the Summon Mabari icon to your on-screen ability quick-access list;
* Installing a new patch or a different crack WILL disable DLC bonus items, because accessing them requires hacking "DragonAge2.exe" file, and as you know, patches and cracks replace this file.
Oh, and the usual warning: Comodo, ClamAV, and probably Avira may detect any and all my installers as viruses. I don't know why, and I don't care. There are no viruses, and have never been any.
包含了目前全部的DLC和隐藏物品 并且全部介绍 直接安装即可
- Black Emporium
- Pre-Order Bonus Items
- Signature Edition Items
- The Exiled Prince
1. 要使签名版送的装备生效,要打开speical delivery box两次。你可以先回家一次,进房间点一下speical delivery box,然后离开家,再返回,这次再点speical delivery box,物品都在里面。
2. 要使小狗生效,请打开技能树,你会发现多了一个小狗的图标。把小狗图标拉到下方技能栏快捷方式即可召唤狗。
http://u.115.com/file/t5a9a678ca 沙发?????? {:3_153:}还是看看到底是什么东东吧 !!!!可以的 好东西吗? {:3_153:}{:3_152:} 支持下!!!!20DLC。。。 这么多了。。。。。 绝对支持。。。。 NANI?这就出来了? 这个好啊!!!!!!!!!!! 狂顶狂顶狂顶狂顶 回复 1# 星云散落
太好了,一直觉原版装备给得太少了。 整合的好 这个好啊!!!!!!!!!!! 顶了 {:3_150:} 第四个dlc里面有什么东西? 在哪得到? 收藏一下 原来是这样...怪不得说20个. 太感谢了 谢谢楼主 20个??????岂不是比DAO好多? 感谢分享支持了。。 这是2的吗~怎么这么快就出了20个了 谢谢了!呵呵 头都大了。。。 马上拉下来~~~ 下个看看先 还是看看到底是什么东东吧 可以用吗? 直接了就了当