本帖最后由 lrt2004 于 2011-3-5 16:32 编辑这是我发的第一个技术性的帖子{:3_135:} ,献给万能的三大妈论坛{:3_167:}
The official game website revealed the list of bugs eliminated in the third official Update for FIFA Manager 11. We additionally found out that this Update will be released a little bit later than it was going to be published. This situation resulted mainly from a bug which is listed at the top of the changelist. This bug consist in frequent crashes shortly before cup matches. The solution for that is as follows: “The problem is caused by the saved view setting in the right area of the text mode. If the tab “table” is selected the problem will occur – if you choose a different tab everything will work just fine”.
官方网站列出了FIFA Manager 11修复的bug列表。我们还发现这个补丁会比先前公布的晚一些放出,原因主要是为了修复欧洲杯比赛前游戏经常性崩溃的bug。解决方法是:在文字模式中保存的视图设置中,如果标签“积分榜”被选中(这个我没找到,不知道翻译的对不对)问题就会出现,如果你选了其他的标签就没问题了。
The list of changes in Update 3:
• Bugfix: Crash after European Cup matches removed
• Bugfix: Live Season: All the winter transfers in England and Spain are not nominated and don't have the permission to play league matches
• Bugfix: Live Season: Club does not have gate receipts for the simulated matches but has to pay the stadium infrastructure
• Bugfix: Text Mode: Occasionally the Manager Shouts and Tactics buttons are disabled for the whole match
• Bugfix: Create a Club - End of Season: User is dismissed and the CaC team disappears to a lower division if the relegation matches in the German 3rd division are not played
• Bugfix: Problems with promotion/relegation matches in Germany
• Bugfix: Host European Championship 2014
• Bugfix: News Centre: Morale displayed in report mail about possible transfer conditions.
• Bugfix: Game crashes on the “Big Spenders” screen
Bug修正:在“Big Spenders”下崩溃的问题
• Optimization: Smaller changes for controlling the ball in Action Mode
• full database update with more than 1,000 transfers and several hundreds new players
• Bugs: Various text issues and graphical bugs fixed, various tooltips added
• Update of the player pictures in the lower English leagues
• 381 additional player pictures
• 150 additional XXL player picture
After releasing Update 3 we will be able to use our own database when playing Season Live premium feature. In order to do that you have to add the following line IGNORE_LIVESEASON_EADATABASE = 1 to the user.ini file which is located in the following path: (…\My Documents\FIFA MANAGER 11\Config\user.ini). Obviously you do this action at your own risk, however game producers recommend to use the database as released in update 3.
在打了U3之后我们在…\My Documents\FIFA MANAGER 11\Config\user.ini中加入IGNORE_LIVESEASON_EADATABASE = 1就可以用自己的数据库玩即时赛季模式了。当然这有一定的风险,官方推荐用U3的数据库玩。 数据库升级,1000多个转会和几百名新球员
最关心的就是这个 希望英超的小牛都被收进去了 感谢翻译,辛苦了 回复 3# huangjuncat
感谢版主肯定 感觉没太多用...反正自建联赛都是玩英格兰的....就想看看AI有没有什么改进 回复 5# NicholasME
貌似没有,为什么只玩英格兰 回复 1# lrt2004
Bugfix: Host European Championship 2014
应该是欧冠决赛,欧洲杯是2012年 回复 7# mailtolyh
已修正 The problem is caused by the saved view setting in the right area of the text mode. If the tab “table” is selected the problem will occur – if you choose a different tab everything will work just fine
指的是桌面上围得一圈的小标签么?U3要是只有这点更新那就不装了{:3_174:} 回复 9# 496zj
u3当然重点在冬季转会 有一个问题,需要重新开档不?如果不要重新开档的话,冬季转会的球员怎么弄? 回复 11# abcclk
不知道,也许不用吧,不开新档用不到新的数据库{:3_48:} 回复 6# lrt2004 因为英格兰联赛级别多...自建球队能慢慢打上来..比较消磨时间..:lol 回复 13# NicholasME
哈哈,有道理~ 最关心的还是没有~~AI问题 回复 15# 幕府将军
是啊是啊是啊,等2012吧{:3_49:} 没太大的改进,估计很少人会去升级 回复 17# Zswindz
我想玩新的数据库…… {:3_152:}我弄了好久都弄不明白即时赛季是啥玩意- -还要注册,登陆官网又没得开启。。。 回复 19# zgc
我也没玩过{:3_46:} 回复 21# zgc