谁说下3号升级档都升级什么了? 怎么看见那么多人装了出毛病了··· 你刚装吗?破解不当游戏进 不去 还是在等下SK的修复补丁吧。 Monday Night Combat Update 3 info:New Features
- Added "You are My Pitgirl" Realtime Music Video for all you dreamers out there
- Added Crimson Gear for all Pros
- Added Broken Heart Headshot Effect for Snipers wearing Crimson Gear
- Added Rose Petal Death Effects for all Pros wearing Crimson Gear
- Players will now earn different 揃ot Kill Streaks?when killing bots without dying in Crossfire matches
- Graphics options have been moved out of HostileEngine. You will still have one more graphics reset with this patch, but all future updates should be reset-free.
- Uber is now shipping a list of banned players. The list has been compiled and vetted by the community and Uber. Individual server admins will now have to remove these player from their HostileAccess.ini file if they wish to allow cheaters on their servers. The default will be to globally ban known cheaters.
- Players no longer receive bonus juice at the start overtime or when they respawn in overtime
- Auto balancing of teams will no longer activate if either Moneyball has its shield down
- Updated Bullseye with festive colors
- Changed Character Select Screen layout and added player names
- Emphasized Locker Room in main menu
- Turned on over head player names during Moneyball finale
- Fixed server name from disappearing on dedicated servers when matches roll over
- Fixed class limits being offset in the server browser
- Fixed class limit lockout issues on character selection
- Fixed Assassin抯 dash becoming unusable
- Fixed Preseason Hero Gear not unlocking for some people
- Fixed end-game chat window getting lost if the scoreboard was already visible
- Fixed controller sensitivity not working at highest and lowest settings 回复 4# mft14556
谢谢版主可先俺的英语水平实在不是非常高 所以看不太懂··· 回复 5# xiaoxi20
之後再修正一些錯誤的名詞就好{:3_149:} 回复 6# mft14556
好 我试试·· 我也进不去了 撒旦法第三方是第三方大方速度的 发的古典风格大哥大大方大方 打手犯规对方是个的输入法 使得法国大幅度发的大方 豆腐干豆腐干地方地方地方地方打工 大方大方打发打发大方大方 打算发放松房贷首付斯蒂芬森 as发生撒旦法撒法撒旦法撒法斯蒂芬森倒萨