【全国首发/115网盘】《无限试驾2(Test Drive Unlimited 2)》RELOADED 破解修正补丁
本帖最后由 星云散落 于 2011-2-9 09:22 编辑As you know, the SKIDROW release was nuked (not.cracked_exe. with.1.byte.changed.used.as.crack). RELOADED took the opportunity to proper immediately.
The other release has been nuked for being a dodgy russian p2p image and using a loader instead of a crack. We don’t think that’s a scene release worthy, so here is our proper.
“the other release” instead of SKIDROW release, funny. RLD blame SKW for using a P2P clonedvd, but using Steam files (homemade?) as retail .iso rip isn’t better…
**** Hidden Message ***** 沙发啊!!!!!!!!!!! 有什么 不同 修正了哪些内容??????????? 修正了哪些内容??????????? hao~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 修正了哪些内容??????????? 修正了哪些内容??????????? thanks !!!!!!!!!! 谢谢楼主 感谢楼主分享 支持一下。。。。 kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk 提取上传中
:( 谁帮忙解释一下啊。。。。。。。。。。 多谢。。。。 谢谢分享!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 修正了哪些内容?请LZ补充一下啊 修正了哪些内容? 谢谢楼主!!!! xiexiefenxiang thanks 谢谢了~~~~~~~~~~~ 必须顶 顶顶顶顶 修正了哪些内容 谢谢了~~~~~~~~~~~ 谢谢分享 很好啊,我来啦 sdgsdgfdsfsdf 下载试试~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~