【115网盘】《周一格斗之夜》SKIDROW UPDATE 2 升级及破解补丁
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Monday Night Combat Update 2 info:
New Features
- Added Retro Pro Gear Skin
- Added Preseason Hero Pro Gear Armor and Protag for players that bought the game during BETA
- added Minimum Number of Players to Start option, set to 1 by default
- First version of Standalone Dedicated Server Files with HLDS integration.
HldsUpdateTool.exe -command update -game mondaynightcombat -dir INSTALLDIR
MNCDS comes with a handful of bat files, including a template for customizing your own servers. Server operators need to remember that the ServerInstance must be incremented for each server that is launched. The maximum number of servers supported on a single machine is 15.
- Chat support while waiting to respawn and during end of game
- Server Browser Filter options are now saved to an ini file
- Added Filter Passworded option in Server Browser
- Dedicated Server Window shows name of sever
- General improvements in patching process and fixes to startup issues
- MNC scientists adjusted cloning error that introduced pink eye to Assault and Pit Girl
- Changed Gamertag to Player Name
- Gear material adjustments for burning, cloaking, rezing out
- Clock numbers set to high resolution for legibility
- Mouse scrolling in Server Browser 谢谢楼主
支持!!! 感謝更新分享~!!! 感謝分享~!!感謝 支持 本帖隐藏的内容需要回复才可以浏览 :$12133:@:P 又有补丁了,谢谢分享 谢谢lz,刚安上游戏 搜资源ing 感谢楼主。 顶 这个能存档了不 支持一下 顶 这个能存档了不 太棒了 感谢楼主!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 看看用用看 试试用?。
谢了 阿斯大三大四的 1111111111wwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww{:3_145:} 不知道DS能不能建另一种模式 哀 之前的不能記錄 所以一直沒玩 這個不知道能不能記錄 來試看看 真是感謝了 gfdddgdsdssgsdfgsddfgdsfg 有啥新功能? 赶紧下下来 咱来看看的说! ddddddddddddddddddddd 感谢!!!!!!!!!!!!! 升级升级~! 下载中........ 下载下来试试看,谢谢了! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!