死钱DLC 22号出?
This morning we’ve announced that Dead Money, the first game add-on for Fallout: New Vegas, is coming to PlayStation 3 (via PSN) and PC (via Steam and Direct2Drive) on Tuesday, February 22nd. Additionally, we will be releasing three additional add-on packs in the coming months. These packs will launch simultaneously on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC.More details to come.
Bethesda have announced that the Dead Money DLC pack will be making its way to the PC on February 22, and that three additional expansions are in the works, to be released over the coming months. Read on for details, and a trailer for Dead Money.
In Dead Money, your wasteland wanderer has been captured by a mad tycoon, who’s planted an explosive collar around your neck and instructed you to steal the legendary treasure of the Sierra Madre Casino. You’ll have to work with other prisoners in a similar predicament to nab the goods and get out alive. The DLC will get a digital release on Steam and Direct2Drive.The DLC has been out on the Xbox 360 since December, but will finally arrive on the PC later this month. Bethesda have also announced that the three slices of DLC to be released in the coming months will receive simultaneous releases across all platforms. Here’s a trailer showing the spooky Sierra Madre Casino. It seems to be haunted by holo-ghosts that can shoot lasers from their eyes. For more information on Dead Money, check out the Fallout: New Vegas site.
哦。貌似很有可信度啊。。{:3_93:} 板凳君围观 但是 汉化呢 终于来了么 板凳君围观 确认了,包括PS3和PC版 我关心的是那个你懂得啥时候放出,说过年给红包的,都初三了... 回复 7# HitFireChicken
谁说过年会给红包的? 是这样的,你给我一个红包,我往里面塞钱就行了,嗯 回复 9# kan.x
你的意思是我给你文本你自己翻译?好啊~ 所以你就把文本发出来,谁要红包的自己拿不就是了~ 回复 11# kan.x