苏之冉 发表于 2011-1-27 13:06


1、适度上瘾Mildly addicted

2、再打一场就睡, 我保证...   Just one more match, I promise...

3、发现自己开始驾轻就熟了...I"m starting to get into this...

4、该换内衣了吧, 都有味儿了... Time to change your underwea

5、把内衣翻过来穿吧, 可以多玩几分钟FM呢   Turning your underwear inside out saves on washing

6、真正的教练, 是不需要吃饭的!Real football managers don"t need food

7、换家外卖吧, 都吃腻了   Better order another takeaway pizza

8、提醒注意, 进食有助于保持更好的体力以供连续作战Remember, eating gives you the strength to keep on playing

9、眨眼有利于保护眼睛健康, 别忘了哦 Blinking is also good for you

10、非人记录啊... . 我想我是中邪了 The number of the beast. I think I"m possessed!

11、踢一场为期一周的球赛是不是太久了些... A week is a long time in footbal

12、睡觉是什么?   Sleeping is for sissies

13、纯爷们儿从不睡觉 Sleeping is for sissies

14、让懦弱者去睡吧, 我会坚持下去的!Sleeping is for sissies

15、别忘了给老板打个电话, 就说自己要休产假Remember to call your work and ask for more sick leave

16、别忘了给父母打个电话, 就说自己在火星出差Remember to call your family and ask for more sick leave

17、HOHO, 我现在是FM专家    I am now a Football Manager expert

18、活活, 现在本人不愧为全球首席FM专家!I am now a Football Manager expert

19、要是梦里也能FM就好了...I think I should include Football Manager on my CV

20、现在没有人会说你是个没有责任心的人了No-one can accuse you of lacking commitment

21、你的朋友已经过期了, 请下载新的版本...Your relationship has now expired

22、我可以随时放弃这个游戏, 只是现在还没这个打算...I can give up this game whenever I like. I just don"t want to yet..

23、这就是我的生活, 我选择我喜欢This is my life and I"ll do what I want with i

24、屁股还没坐疼?Repetitive Strain Injury anyone?

25、我还没上瘾那. 我只是停不下来而已...It"s not really addictive. I just can"t stop playing...

26、已经很长时间没和人说过话了我...It"s been a while since I"ve had any human contact

27、知道自己还在地球上么?What are humans?

28、神仙? 妖怪? What are humans?

29、你一定是让自己放假, 然后忘记关机, 才看到这个信息的吧?You just put the game on holiday to see these messages, didn"t you?

30、这里已经没什么新玩意儿了, 转移目标吧同学...Nothing to see here, move along..

31、请接受来自SI全体人员的敬意. 实在没想到会有人对我们的游戏执着那么久.Congratulations from everyone at Sports Interactive. We never thought you"d make it this far



wunaidage 发表于 2011-1-27 15:37


lindzy 发表于 2011-1-27 17:37


batistutaa 发表于 2011-1-27 17:38

当年玩07的时候貌似看到过“别忘了给老板打个电话, 就说自己要休产假”

yang5951283 发表于 2011-2-1 19:49


kasim90 发表于 2011-2-1 20:03


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