NBA 2K11 PC大补最新消息
Ronnie has provided yet another update on the status of the official patch for the PC version of NBA 2K11, stating that it is very close to being released but reiterated that the release is currently out of 2K's hands as they await approval from a couple of digital distributors. However, he did suggest it likely wouldn't be any more than two weeks before the update is out.PC Patch is very close but out of our our control. I don't see it taking more than another couple weeks.
In a previous Tweet, Ronnie mentioned that they are currently waiting on approval from TryMedia and one other distributor.
以上是NLSC的最新消息,PC大补很可能在两周之内发布。 两周之后又两周,两周之后又两周。
都两个多月了。 明日复明日,明日何其多 综合起来看,我认为他们是扯淡的。 Ronnie老忽悠我们,他的话不太能信。 2L正解。我是彻底失望了。该来的时候自然就来 忽悠,接着忽悠 又是两周{:3_183:} 静静等待吧... 其实Ronnie的话也不是不能信,而且至少能信一半{:3_43:} ——他说没出就绝对没出,他说要等俺们就肯定得等,他说快出了这也是真的——就是这个“快”字各人的标准不同而已,有些人觉得是最多一个星期,也有些人觉得会是半年……{:3_113:} 回复 11# ultramanb
说的很对,补丁终究会来的,过分纠结确切日期这无异于自寻烦恼。况且原版游戏也未必就缺少可玩性噻 12月内一定放出!
PC被人家2K忽视了 呵呵 有意义么? 大家不需要等待了 都是扯蛋的! 这种消息已经队我们麻木了 自己发出来的东西,还不能控制。那不是扯淡 2K在PC这块不赚钱的市场总是那么的欲擒故纵{:3_166:} 可能是多久?过年? 反正我没给钱 还是不相信他说的话了