有人遇到吗?该怎么解决? 本帖最后由 fenglei005 于 2011-1-10 00:52 编辑2种情况吧,电台一般是用quest来做的,用GECK打开看下有没有啥错误的,可以尝试把音乐重新在表单里导一下,不过这情况太少见了我是没见过。
http://www.thenexusforums.com/in ... -new-radio-station/N网上的教学贴
“6. Encode your songs as wavs
The main problem here is encoding. Radio New Vegas uses stereo mp3s; however, I have yet to have any success using mp3s myself. For whatever reason, Fallout is prone to glitching songs depending on what format they're in, so your best bet to encode each of your songs as mono channel .wavs. Goldwave is a shareware program that will allow you to do this for free, but any audio encoding program will do. name these songs whatever you like, but it's best to keep them descriptive, especially if you plan on adding lots of new music to your game. Once that's done, it's time to place them in a safe spot. Navigate to your Data/Sound/songs directory (you'll know you're in the right place when you see a folder named radionv) and create a new folder. Name this something descriptive and put the newly encoded wavs in here!”