(1.7更新下载地址)上古3晨风全面改善重磅年度MOD---Morrowind 2011 Mod Compendium释出!!!
本帖最后由 westwood777 于 2011-1-8 00:05 编辑解压完超过3G!!
Start the year with an improved and better looking Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind.File details:I have updated the contact info for myself, and at the bottom is the credits list or here Credit list for Authors
Due to my very limit ability to upload (ISP issues), I have the torrent up. I figure late tomorrow there should be more seeders. Please seeders keep seeding and if you have the bandwidth upload to more hosts and pass me the link so everyone can get a copy of the mod.
Again watch here for more updates, I hope nothing to drastic happens!
Chapter 1: Hardware check
ATI driver page
Nvidia driver page
Please to save me any strange emails, update your system. Morrowind is from 2002, but Morrowind Graphics Extender (MGE) takes a lot of hardware to run correctly.
Chapter 2: Setting Up Morrowind
This setup is for only for the game of the year edition or if you Morrowind, Tribunal, and Bloodmoon.
1. Morrowind
2. Morrowind v1.2.0722
3. Tribunal
4. Tribunal v1.4.1313 Patch
5. Bloodmoon
6. Bloodmoon v1.6.1820 Patch
I understand that each version should update, but there is no reason not be careful and update each time, before you install the next expansion.
Game of the year edition is patched to v1.6.1820
All versions should be at v1.6.1820
When you start Morrowind, you shall see in the lower hand side of the main menu the version number.
Steam version:
Steam version has everything needed to get setup and running
Steam Game of the year edition is patched to v1.6.1820
Steam version setup:
1. Disable Steam Community In-game overlay it will never work with the Morrowind Graphics Extender (MGE).
Open steam – top menu -> view -> settings -> in-game tab – and then remove the check mark for “Enable Steam Community In-game”
2. Download and run this (or any file date changer): Download date changer
This is only for the steam versions.
Now, click Add Files, and navigate to where your Morrowind files are. Morrowind should be here: C:Program FilesSteamSteamAppscommonmorrowindData FilesMorrowind.bsa. Also for later versions of Windows 64-bit Operating Systems would place the file in C:Program Files(x86) instead of C:Program Files.
Other version of Morrowind are in C:/Program Files/Bethesda/
Set Morrowind.bsa created date, modified date, and accessed date all to 5/1/2002
Now, click Clear, and go to Add Files again, renavigate to where you were before, but instead of selecting Morrowind.bsa, select Tribunal.bsa
Set Tribunal.bsa created date, modified date, and accessed date all to 11/6/2002
Now, click Clear, and go to Add Files again, renavigate to where you were before, but instead of selecting Tribunal.bsa, select Bloodmoon.bsa
Set Bloonmoon.bsa created date, modified date, and accessed date all to 6/3/2003
Getting these dates will fix the all the issues with mods.
Chapter 3: Testing Morrowind
If you have a old set of saves, backup and remove them.
Creating a new character and getting through the basic character creation and into town will give you a perfect setup for this mode.
If at this point you start running into issue with the default install, now’s a real good time to fix it.
Settings to change in options: View distance to max, and the same with real shadowing, this will affect MGE down the road.
Also fix up combat to the “use best attack” unless you prefer the default fighting in Morrowind.
Last suggestion is for newer players in the options menu, make sure you decrease the difficulty slider and increase as you level you’re character up.
Chapter 4: Download Morrowind 2011 Mod Compendium
Link to torrent is up have fun
I would recommend using 7zip to extract files
Extract the data into the root of the Morrowind folder, and make sure you say yes to everything. Make sure before extracting that this is a clean install, extra ESP/textures should only be used once Mod Compendium has been install and working; it has not been tested with other mods than what I have included.
Example of root path:
C:Program Files (x86)Steamsteamappscommonmorrowind (Windows 7/Vista)
C:Program FilesBethesdaMorrowind (Windows XP)
Chapter 5: Morrowind adding the correct Plugin order *Do not skip this step*
Big warning DO not add anything extra and follow this list closely. I have removed as many extra file as I could. But a number of the ESP files are for MGE ONLY.
Also in the root of the Morrowind folder after you have extracted my files there is the Morrowind Code Patch.exe, you will need to run that. I recommend using the Rain/Snow collision, improved animation support, and the bump/reflect changes, other than that I just go with the defaults -> Apply chosen patches it will create a new Morrowind.exe
This setup needs to be done before MGE so we can import the bulk of the work right away.
Again make sure you have Morrowind folder open, and open the Morrowind.ini file with notepad.
Morrowind.ini highlighted in the root Morrowind folder
You should be able to copy the following at the bottom where “ is listed:
GameFile2=Better Heads Bloodmoon addon.esm
GameFile3=Better Heads Tribunal addon.esm
GameFile4=Better Heads.esm
GameFile5=Bloodmoon Landscape Overhaul 1.0.esm
GameFile7=Book Rotate.esm
GameFile9=Morrowind Patch v1.6.4.esm
GameFile10=Morrowind Patch v1.6.5-BETA.esm
GameFile13=Texture Fix 1.8.esm
GameFile16=Acheron’s Camping Gear 2.esp
GameFile22=Barabus Orcs.esp
GameFile23=Barabus’ fireplaces 2.esp
GameFile24=Better Bodies.esp
GameFile25=Better Clothes_v1.1.esp
GameFile26=Better Skulls.ESP
GameFile27=Better weaponz (rev1.0_DWEM).esp
GameFile28=Better weaponz (rev1.2_DWEM).esp
GameFile29=Better weaponz (rev2_Daedrik).esp
GameFile34=Book Rotate – Bloodmoon v5.3.esp
GameFile35=Book Rotate – Tribunal v5.3.esp
GameFile36=Clean Better Daedric.esp
GameFile37=Clean Key Replacer MW Renamer.esp
GameFile38=correctUV Ore Replacer 1.0.esp
GameFile46=Ebonheart Fix.ESP
GameFile50=Illuminated Windows – Bloodmoon.esp
GameFile51=Illuminated Windows.esp
GameFile52=Key Replacer Trib & BM.esp
GameFile57=k_weather (louder sounds).esp
GameFile58=LCV Schedule Markers.esp
GameFile59=LCV Wolverine Hall 01.esp
GameFile62=MCA – Divine Domina Addon.ESP
GameFile63=NPC LCV Locks.esp
GameFile64=NPC LCV Schedules 03.esp
GameFile65=Nymeria’s Faster Walk.esp
GameFile71=Siege at Firemoth.esp
GameFile73=Slof’s BB neck fix.esp
GameFile74=Slof’s Better Beasts b.esp
GameFile75=TLM – Complete.esp
GameFile80=Vality’s Ascadian Isles Addon.esp
GameFile81=Vality’s Balmora Addon.esp
GameFile82=Vality’s Bitter Coast Addon.esp
GameFile83=Vurt’s Ashlands Overhaul.esp
GameFile84=Vurt’s Grazelands Trees.ESP
GameFile85=Vurt’s Solstheim Trees & Bushes Replacer.ESP
GameFile86=Waterfall v1.0.esp
GameFile88=Westly’s Master Headpack X.esp
If that does not work than make sure only the following files in the Morrowind launcher -> Data files are selected:
Better Heads.esm
Texture Fix 1.8.esm
Better Heads Tribunal addon.esm
Better Heads Bloodmoon addon.esm
Bloodmoon Landscape Overhaul 1.0.esm
Book Rotate.esm
Morrowind Patch v1.6.4.esm
Morrowind Patch v1.6.5-BETA.esm
Better weaponz (rev1.2_DWEM).esp
Better weaponz (rev1.0_DWEM).esp
Better Bodies.esp
Nymeria’s Faster Walk.esp
Key Replacer Trib & BM.esp
Slof’s Better Beasts b.esp
Barabus’ fireplaces 2.esp
Slof’s BB neck fix.esp
Barabus Orcs.esp
Book Rotate – Tribunal v5.3.esp
Book Rotate – Bloodmoon v5.3.esp
Waterfall v1.0.esp
Illuminated Windows.esp
Illuminated Windows – Bloodmoon.esp
Clean Better Daedric.esp
Clean Key Replacer MW Renamer.esp
k_weather (louder sounds).esp
Better Clothes_v1.1.esp
Acheron’s Camping Gear 2.esp
Better weaponz (rev2_Daedrik).esp
Vality’s Ascadian Isles Addon.esp
Westly’s Master Headpack X.esp
Vality’s Bitter Coast Addon.esp
Vality’s Balmora Addon.esp
correctUV Ore Replacer 1.0.esp
Better Skulls.ESP
Vurt’s Ashlands Overhaul.esp
Vurt’s Solstheim Trees & Bushes Replacer.ESP
MCA – Divine Domina Addon.ESP
Vurt’s Grazelands Trees.ESP
Ebonheart Fix.ESP
LCV Wolverine Hall 01.esp
Siege at Firemoth.esp
TLM – Complete.esp
NPC LCV Locks.esp
NPC LCV Schedules 03.esp
LCV Schedule Markers.esp
Chapter 6: Setting up Morrowind Graphics Extender (MGE)
I have included a beta version of MGE in the download.
In the root of the Morrowind folder look for “MGEgui.exe”, and go ahead and open the application “do not worry if you get any errors”.
There are eight main tabs in MGE:
1. Main
2. Global Graphics
3. Render State
4. Input
5. Misc
6. Morrowind.ini
7. Tools
8. Distant Land
Recommended settings:
1. Main:
Quality -> click on “Best quality”
Settings -> check box for import Morrowind.ini -> than click on import settings
2. Global Graphics:
Display -> Change display resolution to desired setting.
Scene -> I would recommend dropping the Anti Aliasing level to 2x.
3. Render State:
Texture filters: leave as default, but I recommend adjust the Anisotropic filtering level to 8x.
Options: Check Enable Fog, FPS Counter (you can disable this later, leave it on for now for adjustments), Display messages, Hardware Shader, and finally AA colour fix.
4. Input:
Options: Check Skip opening Movie, and I recommend using the “Allow alternate combat controls”
5. Misc:
Make sure there is a check for “Correct aspect ratio when zooming”
Make sure there is a check for “Bind AI distance to view distance”
Shaders (do not miss this area) place checks for: Hook texture loads, Update shader variables, Supply shaders with depth info, and Supply HDR info to shaders (default should be 2.00)
6. Morrowind.ini:
General settings place a check next to: Allow yes to all, Thread loading, and Hit Fader.
I don’t recommend the using “High detail shadows”, I find the performance hit to be fairly high.
7. Tools (this is broken into two steps):
First select “Shader editor”
You will get a new dialog box “New File – Shader Editor”
I have included a special ingame.fx and other shaders, to create water foam/sun rays etc (so unlike other guides there is not much to setup).
Warning I have provided a default setup below, you might have to adjust depending on hardware and preferences:
Select “Edit active chain” -> Select only and in order (double click to add from top to bottom):
2. sunshaft_v002a
3. trueBloom_g6_i6
Then select save
Final shader setup
In the shader editor just goto file -> exit.
7-2. Tools part 2, magic:
Select “Distant land file creation wizard”
Make sure you select “Use Morrowind.ini” and did not skip the plugin setup in the previous steps.
Now in the list you will select MGE only ESP files:
Grass_Ascadian Isles.esp
Grass_Bitter Coast.esp
Grass_West Gash.esp
Grass ESP selected in MGE only, do not check these in the main Morrowind launcher
After you have the all the ESP files listed, and imported from Morrowind.ini select continue.
*You might get a message about “Choosing a data creation method”, just make sure that all the check boxes are ticked, and then click on “Re-run distant land configuration setup >>> “
Now you will be at Land Textures, I recommend using the default unless you have a very high end system:
Default options:
2048 -> World texture resolution
1024 -> World normal map resolution
After you have the settings click on “Create land Textures”
Land Meshes is the next dialog window, and again just leave it as default:
High -> World Mesh detail
After you have the settings click on “Create land Meshes”
Statics is the next dialog window, recommend settings below (animated grass take a bit on the frame hit thats why I have adjusted the values”
Grass density: 50%
Mesh detail: 90%
Tick off: Include activators, Include misc objects, Include interiors behaving like exterior, and finally include interiors with water.
Finally make sure “Use list of statics overriding parameters set above” is also checked off.
Reference Statics picture
After you have the settings click on “Create Statics”
You may want to grab some coffee, this takes awhile with this mod package…
Click Finish when done, don’t worry if there are any errors.
8. Distant Land
Again in Distant land there is a lot to play with, I have the again recommend the following:
Make sure there is a tick on “Use distant land”
Draw distance: drop it down to 6 to 10, base on FPS (this is the best way to restore lost FPS)
Shader Model: 3.0
Place a tick on “Auto set other distances” and the bullet “By Draw Distance should be selected”
Place a tick on “Use Distant Statics”, leave this one alone for settings use as default.
Water settings (my favorite settings, I rather lose frames for nicer looking water; again these are just recommendations):
Select the following:
-Blur reflections
-Nearby statics
-Distant statics (if you don’t tick this it will give back some frames per second)
-Dynamic Ripples change both settings to 55
Distant land reference pictures
Morrowind Graphics Extender (MGE) can just be closed using the red x in the corner it will save.
Chapter 7: Applying settings for the MIT settings
This step is not normal but since I had no choice but to include this files or a few of the ESP wouldn’t work without them.
In the Morrowind data folder there is a application called: MorrowINI.exe
Reference for location the file
Again this file is stored in the data folder for a reason and when you setup it needs to be set to the root Morrowind folder:
C:Program Files (x86)Steamsteamappscommonmorrowind (Windows 7/Vista for steam)
C:Program FilesBethesdaMorrowind (Windows XP)
How it should look when you open the application
Now you will have to chose what you want in here, but I do recommend the following:
ase30-Apply -> highlight that then select the little pen icon “Apply INI template”
Earthlike sky – light nights -> highlight that then select the little pen icon “Apply INI template”
TLM Outdoor settings -> highlight that then select the little pen icon “Apply INI template”
ASE30 is the extra sounds I have selected, and I find the dark nights is way to dark.
Now back in the root Morrowind folder change the following in “Morrowind.ini” replace same section with values listed below:
Chapter 8: The final step
I have already updated a few of the ESP files in this mod to correct a number of errors listed by TESTool, so you don’t need to use that.
There is a folder in the Morrowind root called “Mlox” and inside that folder is Molx.exe
You can use Molx from that folder, it will report a few errors (that can’t be fixed, and I’m aware of them). But you can use this tool to update you’re load order of mods, this should fix any last conflicts (just launch the application and then select on “update load order”.
Finally you can use the AnimKit2.1Setup.exe in the root to setup and install to fix Animation errors. I recommend using Dirnae’s animation mod as the select one.
To setup up AnimKit2.1 just run the installer, run the shortcut “Morrowind AnimKit UI”, go through the setup, select Fix Animation errors, finally select “Dirane’s animation” and hit “Apply Anim Mods”.
Information, and contact info + credits
My name is Tyler Smith, I’m from Calgary Alberta. I have play Morrowind since it first came out over the years I have seen many guides posted on how to upgrade Morrowind.
I find that many of them changed to many aspects or messed up the order for the data to be extracted.
So I have spent the past few weeks since December 2010 taking what I had and rebuilding a mod compendium, that anyone can take follow a few setups for setup and be done to play.
I hope to cut many hours of downloading and searching for files.
The biggest issue with this how mad will some of the authors be with this? I do care about them I have included a credits file in the zip and here.
I wanted to this for everyone and in case these files disappear over the years we have this mod compendium
Credit link:
Credit link.
Please email me at:
If you have issues or suggestions!
http://www.gamepron.com/file/944/Morrowind-2011-Mod-Compendium/download/ 这是不是那个改善画面的mod {:3_91:}上古3么,没玩过。。。。纯支持下。 lz太不够意思了,连个图都不放······{:3_141:} 上古3的? 回复 4# lijunfen111
SORRY,第一个链接只有一张图,这个MOD的作者没放什么图,但是你把说明放到GOOGLE翻译下大致就能明白,主要是图像和很多细节的改动比如攻击动作等等.感觉晨风有了新生命!呵呵 上古3没玩过,纯支持一下 就怕不是完全改善,导致出现有些场景是新的,有些场景是老画面,感觉会很诡异 这个游戏关键的问题是汉化,不然普及率不亚于4代 汉化不给力啊 我依旧记得“你的name??”{:3_161:} 大家快来看老外啊 本帖最后由 zctang304 于 2011-1-7 11:39 编辑
LZ,第二个地址被MF给HX了。。。 回复 13# zctang304
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=Q3WSYCEP 直接IE下载200K+ 這樣的話直接把所有的esp 合併好了............. 太多esp 不好....... 我自己的morrowind 有自己的mod 先看看效果如何再看看能否用Morroblivion转换。 本帖最后由 Chiousf 于 2011-1-7 15:15 编辑
{:3_127:} 哇~
這邊有提供115下載的高清示範影片,1280x720 mp4 92﹒4MB,剛剛從你管子下載的。
http://u.115.com/file/t736f9efb8 {:3_127:}哇~
luo2qiang 发表于 2011-1-7 08:06 http://bbs.3dmgame.com/images/common/back.gif
那时候那个汉化真的太蛋疼了。没翻译的时候还能看得懂一点。翻译之后我完全看不懂了。 这个MOD合集神了!只要按照说明文档的做,出来的效果堪称震惊!晨风也能有如此漂亮的画面,还带godray效果!
http://img208.poco.cn/mypoco/myphoto/20110107/19/54775018201101071941414055055846432_000.jpg 。。。。
前两天想玩玩晨风,发现不小心删了 求种子或分流,LZ的两个地址都失效了,还好我的晨风没删 上古3已经玩了太久了。。。。可惜没有好的汉化版~~~这个比较怨念。。。。。 没玩过,顶下 太nb了,,现在还有作者再为晨风3开发mod,,,可见 上古系列的经典~~ 回复 23# yx12315
重新更新了下载地址,都能下,速度也可以,希望你下到 楼主发了那么多字~~我就看懂了那么几个中文字~~还明白了这可以用讯雷下载~~:lol 回复 27# westwood777
谢谢提醒,早上用迅雷试了下,有20k的速度,咬咬牙忍了,慢慢拖吧..还有8小时就好了.. {:3_143:}球图图。。。。安心等5中