fudzilla.com继续爆鸟:Radeon HD 6970 is 10 - 20% faster than GTX 480
本帖最后由 xxjhorg 于 2010-12-8 21:48 编辑AMD has talked to some of its favourite journalists and wants to prepare them for the European Cayman launch that should take place on December 15th, exactly seven days from now.
Some of the lucky ones got the cards that they are testing them as we speak, while partners should have the cards ready to ship early next week. We got a hint about the performance, and we will settle for that.
AMD's own benchmarketing data claims that Cayman XT is slightly below 20 percent faster than a GTX 480 in 3Dmark Vantage. When we compare our own GTX 480 results and add 20 percent on top of that it turns that Cayman XT loses to both GTX 570 and especially GTX 580.
It looks like AMD has big gains versus GTX 480 in all OpenGL games including ET Quake Wars, Wolfenstein MP and Chronicles of Riddick, quite old games if you ask us. It is around 20 percent faster than the GTX 480 in these games.
In HAWX 2 Radeon HD 6970 is some 15 percent faster than the GTX 480, and in Dirt 2 it is over 15 percent faster. When we compare the scores we have with this game and GTX 480 and add additional 15 percent we don’t see it beating the GTX 580, but it gets close.
The smallest gain is in Far Cry 2 with only a few percent faster than GTX 480, following with World in Conflict where ATI is below 10 percent faster and Metro 2033 where ATI wins by slightly over 10 percent, again vs GTX 480.
There might be some cases where Radeon HD 6970 will be able to beat the GTX 580, but the first impression is that Nvidia should end up slightly faster in most games.
http://www.fudzilla.com/games/item/21128-radeon-hd-6970-is-10-20-faster-than-gtx-480 原文
某些N饭喷之前百度一下这个网站,这个网站可是著名的N饭网站,别学某460帝误伤自己人 这不跟580不相伯仲吗 N饭有啥好喷的 这不跟580不相伯仲吗 N饭有啥好喷的
chenhehehehe 发表于 2010-12-8 21:50 http://bbs.3dmgame.com/images/common/back.gif
理论上讲6970要比580慢一点,NV估计保住了单芯王座 LZ全家都是N饭 看来我说的那个没智商,没脑子喷子,已经来了 喷A党,哦,不对应该是喷子党
突然,想起来一个签名,一般自称爷都是孙子{:3_143:} GTX580都出好多天了 为什么还要和480比 GTX580都出好多天了 为什么还要和480比
sundi1986 发表于 2010-12-8 22:25 http://bbs.3dmgame.com/images/common/back.gif
估计搞不过580呗,就跟好多山猪马克11的测试都没加5970一样 {:3_174:}路过温习英文