神界2 提示physx错误,希望有大大能帮忙!
如题,安装的是置顶帖中的115网盘的那个 还有v2.0汉化补丁运行以后出现
the game has detected that you have installed a different version of PhysX.If this is a newer version of PhysX than the one with which the game shipped,this may be fine,butshould you encounter abnormal termination of the game,please visit the support page or contact technical support
错误提示 点击确定以后又出现 the data is not compatible with this version的错误
我用的是win7 64位系统 ATI HD 5850显卡 phyxs还有显卡驱动 我都换成最新的了 还是不行
请各位指教 我的是SP32系统,下的是6.5G免安装版,运行也会提示PHYSX出错,但回车一下就过去了,能玩,只是每次都提示…… 我的是SP32系统,下的是6.5G免安装版,运行也会提示PHYSX出错,但回车一下就过去了,能玩,只是每次都提示 ...
liangshun 发表于 2010-12-7 16:59 http://bbs.3dmgame.com/images/common/back.gif