幽灵特工算什么 ■【最新版天朝隐形服重装上阵】■
本帖最后由 DisasterMAX 于 2010-12-3 08:29 编辑天朝隐形服具体的内容…求翻译帝了- -
- Male/Female versions available
- Basic Stealth Functionality (A stealth and non-stealth version are included, simply sneak to activate)
- Flashy de-stealthing shader when standing up from stealth mode, akin to nightkin
- Night Vision Functionality (A NV and non-NV version of the visor is included, simply equip to activate)
- Assisted Targeting Visor, an instant Spotter perk item that makes aggressive targets glow red
- "Stealth Field Barrier", a static energy field that improves energy resistance
- Lore-friendly story
v2.1 更新内容
- Added the ability to craft 'upgraded' versions of the helm and ATS visor
- Added a flashy sound effect to the de-stealth effect
- Added Leo's Facewrap
- Added recipes for combining/separating Pauldrons
- Added appropriate world models when dropping the items (E.g. helmet now looks like a helmet when dropped)
- Minor name changes for the ATS Visor
- Logs from the Terminal now add notes to your Pipboy
- Revised the female version's mesh (see images for details)
- Revised the female waistguard's mesh to coincide with the armor's changes (see images for details)
- Fixed up the Bunker to be a little more home-like (Note: the place is safe to use as a player home, containers do not respawn)
- Fixed a problem that caused the Lakelurks within the Bunker to attack each other
- Fixed item ownership, so no thievery necessary to snag some fruit
不错,支持一下! RP分裂的3眼最高不解释。。。。。 很不错 我在想如果带上头盔会有头盔里面的那种效果就好了,,就像荣誉勋章空降神兵里带上防毒面具的感觉 有点像质量效应 和旧版有什么区别 已传115分流- - 回复 1# DisasterMAX
在什么地方啊- -{:3_99:} 功能来张图撒~ 蛮好看的嘛。。。。。但是在哪里拿捏? 這是rcss 的update??
最新? http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/images/35130-2-1289671001.png
Dragoon Armor
WT: 10
DT: 18
Eff: Sneak +15, Stealth Field +15, AGI+1
Found in: "Grave", atop a cliff across from the Nook's entrance
Dragoon Armor (No Stealth)
WT: 10
DT: 18
Eff: Sneak +15, AGI+1
Found in: Mysterious Bunker, near the reload/craft benches
ID: XX000AF4
Dragoon Helmet
WT: 3
DT: 3
Eff: AP +10, PER+1
Found in: Mysterious Bunker, near the reload/craft benches
Dragoon Helmet (Water Breathing)
WT: 3
DT: 3
Eff: AP +10, PER+1, Water Breathing
Recipe: 1x Dragoon Helmet + 1x Breathing Apparatus (found in an egg clutch within the Nook)
Repair Skill Required: 50
Dragoon Night Vision Visor
WT: 0
DT: 0
Eff: Night Vision
Found in: Fire Root Cavern, in a trunk
ID: XX000AE4
Dragoon Visor (No Night Vision)
WT: 0
DT: 0
Eff: None
Found in: Fire Root Cavern, in a trunk
ID: XX000AF6
Assisted Targeting Visor
WT: 0
DT: 0
Eff: Spotter Perk (aggressive enemies glow red when aiming)
Found in: Walking Box Cavern, in a trunk
ID: XX00194F
Enhanced Assisted Targeting Visor
WT: 0
DT: 0
Eff: Aggressive enemies glow red, detect HP/DT of enemies, Improved Perception
Recipe: 1x Assisted Targeting Visor, 1x Camera, 3x Sensor Module, 5x Scrap Metal, 1x Wonderglue
Repair Skill Required: 90
ID: XX00587F
Dragoon Waistguard
WT: 0
DT: 0
Eff: Carry+30
Found in: Mysterious Bunker, near the reload/craft benches in a trunk
ID: XX000AE5
Dragoon Waistguard (No Cloth)
WT: 0
DT: 0
Eff: Carry+30
Found in: Mysterious Bunker, near the reload/craft benches in a trunk
ID: XX0024CA
Dragoon Dual Pauldrons
WT: 0
DT: 1
Eff: None
Found in: "Grave", atop a cliff across from the Nook's entrance
ID: XX001953
Dragoon Left Pauldron
WT: 0
DT: 1
Eff: None
Found in: Mysterious Bunker, near the reload/craft benches in a trunk
ID: XX001F0E
Dragoon Right Pauldron
WT: 0
DT: 1
Eff: None
Found in: Mysterious Bunker, near the reload/craft benches in a trunk
ID: XX001F0F
Leo's Facewrap
WT: 0
DT: 0
Eff: None
Found in: Mysterious Bunker, in a trunk and on a shelf
ID: XX004D00
Stealth Field Barrier
WT: 0
DT: 0
Eff: Energy Resistance+10
Found in: Jacobstown Bungalow, in a trunk near the fireplace
ID: XX0024CB 回复 11# Voriox
对就是RCSS··· 这个地方是游戏原本就有的?还是这个mod带有的?
竟然在外星人基地里有个自己的房间~ 这个跟雷霆装有什么区别? 不得不说,这套衣服太帅了,特别是出潜行的特效那个动画效果,而且BUG很少,拿衣服还设计了专门的洞穴,很有剧情代入感。缺点是衣服配件太多,有的还需要组装什么的,我实在找不全只好控制台了。还有,如楼上所说,这套衣服的头如果做成细胞分裂里面那种3眼的就完美了,现在这种不够好看。 不错 ~~ 顶下哦~~ 支持下!!! 什么时候可以像F3版的一样用按键控制隐形和控制呢? duoxiefengxiang 这东西很帅哇 我只想要简单一点的衣服..不想要那么复杂的盔甲.. 回复 22# GTV
部件什么的都是装饰物,而且还能增加最大负重量= =
最近好看的衣服太少了。而且都是女式的= = 总觉得这些都太难看. 包括中国隐身衣. 很帅..像质量效应:) 不知道中国什么时候能制造出这种装甲。{:3_153:} 找不到啊,输代码也不行啊 和旧版有什么区别
竟然在外星人基地里有个自己的房间~ 觉得有点像暗黑血统里依附在war身上的那个小鬼 为什么我控制台取不出来?