本帖最后由 lzmu001 于 2010-11-30 20:32 编辑(转)
Installation: Simply copy the attached file into the folder "Your-TW2-install-directory"/WDFiles. It can be used with already started games, too. No need to start over. Its effects can be removed anytime by simply deleting the file again.
Many - not all though! - opponents in TW2 can be interrupted endlessly by simply fast clicking (aka "spamming fast attacks" or more common: "click click click click"). This ruined my immersion a little and made things often too easy and repetitive for me.
Well, this is no more. With "They fight back!" all opponents (including animals, monsters, whatever) are immune to fast left click interruptions - they will continue with their attacks even though you hit them. Prepare for a hefty increase in challenge - these bad guys will bring a world of pain now. So, use your special attacks, block, jump back and mix in magics and arrows to prevail. The days of the mindless hack'n'slah bot playstyle are gone...
Beware though, this is a very early release and balance will be changed a lot. My tests did show though (hopefully I wasn't fooled) that you can turn the mod on and off during your running game - so it is always worth to try to find out if you like this extra challenge.
还是那句话,用前备份好所有文件,以防不测 = =...想練級...跑地圖吧...當你完全跑完就會發現...還有怪的..... 本帖最后由 louis_ci 于 2010-11-30 20:36 编辑
突然發現...我坐了沙發.....再發現..我連板凳也坐了 就是说现在攻击不能打断对方的攻击了?这不是从一个极端到另一个极端吗
╮(╯▽╰)╭ 刷怪的好啊,哥一直很寂寞,高处不胜寒啊{:3_161:} 这个作者建议我们 使用特殊攻击 蹦开 防御 或者换弓箭射
简单说就是从 点点点点点 到 点蹦防射点 = =親愛的斑竹....這個補丁自己看看...是取消硬直的......各位戰士朋友.....心照吧... 话说不是很明白·····不过中算见到MOD了····· {:3_116:}想自虐的就用吧 = =...幸好看了前面覺得怪怪的..然後看到doki的留言..我再看下面...明白怎麼回事了........ e问太烂,看走眼了,各位不好意思啊,感谢ls提醒 我說....你不是在俄文那裡找的嗎? {:3_143:}要是有像一代那样的mod管理器就好了 人家做成二代還是需要時間的.而且二代現在MOD不多.應該會推遲出管理器吧. =w=还是喜欢人形怪呀 嘿嘿 这个不是刷怪的MOD么,看他的意思是改变怪物攻击方式的MOD.......... 英文意思是取消怪物的硬直狀態..意思就是你在打怪的同時..怪也能打你.... 比比谁的血条长 还以为是怪物刷新mod呢.. 怪物华丽的打出99连击 ,你被KO了 支持下~~~继续等汉化 强烈要求刷新怪的MOD~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 的确不怎么给力啊~~~~~~~~~~~还以为是刷新的呢{:3_166:} 困难模式下用了这个,要存多少档哦~~~~~~打一个,存一次????{:3_144:} {:3_185:}甲虫斑斑重拳出击!!{:3_192:}坐等和谐MOD~ 多谢了,挺不错的,不过貌似两个世界2会自动刷怪的,我刚刚杀过的地方过一会儿去看怪物又出来了 多谢了,挺不错的,不过貌似两个世界2会自动刷怪的,我刚刚杀过的地方过一会儿去看怪物又出来了 ...
酱紫帝 发表于 2010-12-21 14:12 http://bbs.3dmgame.com/images/common/back.gif
真的假的 ???????? 真的假的 ????????
真狼王 发表于 2011-1-17 15:19 http://bbs.3dmgame.com/images/common/back.gif
真滴,嘿嘿,大荒原上就是。 动物怪都会刷新,但是打起来没难度没经验 动物怪都会刷新,但是打起来没难度没经验
gh0steyes 发表于 2011-1-17 18:02 http://bbs.3dmgame.com/images/common/back.gif
啊 ?!