Herbal Slops的任务应该怎么做?
第一章的C城南边有一个穿褐色衣服的人,他对面有一个篮子,这个任务需要放什么东西放进去啊?知道的告诉一下啊,第一章支线就剩这个了。 印象里是拿药给三个病人服用就OK了具体的话帮你找了点英文的guide ,希望有帮助
Herbal Slops
Received from: Salah (M20:5)
The local herbalist will ask you to test three of his preparations. You will of course receive payment for the tests. Check out the chest and take the corn ointment first. Use it and talk with the herbalist. The bedsore cream is next. Head to a nearby field hospital (M12:3) and apply the cream to three patients. Right in front of the entrance, you will be attacked by some bandits. Return to talk with Salah (M20:6). The third medicine is an herbal preparation for inhalation. Use it and talk with Salah.
http://guides.gamepressure.com/twoworldsii/guide.asp?ID=10114 谢谢LS。我现在已经做到这个任务的后半段了,你说的那个环节我已经做完了,,,现在不知道到底需要干什么。。。。 自已服药,发工资。给民工喂药,喂完回去等发工资。然后自已服药,发工资。给他姑妈服药,姑妈死,发工资。找脑子进水男要货源(叫你客串mummy那个),拿到货源,发工资。解决追查你们的卫兵,灭口之后发工资,然后他和你886。这个任务奖励很恶心,钱太少了,当时我身上6W多,做这个任务的时候很难受。任务大概流程就是那样,具体细节和顺序我有点模糊了,你看看,应该能提醒你该做什么了。