上古卷轴4:湮没 所有视角优化类MOD大集合
本帖最后由 8023.cly 于 2010-11-23 16:26 编辑看到网上没有关于这方面MOD的整合贴,就去T网一页一页地翻帖子.....把视角类的MOD翻了出来......
1.Custom 3rd person view
This mod allows you to replace the 1st person view by a 3rd person shooter-like camera. Several cameras are provided in the archive as examples but I higly recommend that you do your own camera to fit your liking.
2.Ultimate 3rd Person Camera
-This mod replaces the 1st person camera with a new 3rd person camera (check screenies).
-95% Compatible with other mods! (Check compatibility below)
-Brand new custom created Crosshair for better Ranged combat experience
-Added a small randomness to accuracy. you will get used to it fast, Very playable
From the original mod and other camera mods, I have fixed many things:
1. There are no floating limbs for long, and you dont have to worry about it.
2. I have fixed grabbing things from the ground, You can now grab and move things pointing with
the new crosshair normally (watch video)
3. You don't need to worry about Pressing buttons to Toggle the new camera, or making weired movements
to enable it! Start and play!
4. You don't have to modify Oblivion.ini file manually anymore.
5. Omod One-Click Installation
6. Included recommended .ini files for most compatibility with mods like Unnecessary Violence, and
Duke Patrick Combat Archery
描述:As you can see from the images this makes the first person camera more cinematic . Changes the position of the character and camera, NPCs look at you
now when talking to them, and the cross hair is accurate for bow, opening containers, doors, etc.
Make sure to hit Alt + R when starting a game.
You can switch between third person or CAM Redone by pressing R or middle mouse button (same as usual).
I also use the chase camera mod by woodman with it.
4.Gears of War Camera
描述:This is a modification of the mod Custom 3rd person view and Custom 3rd Person View Extras.
This mod gets a closer look at the game Gears of War, you can see in the videos. It also offers an excellent shot with bow and arrow.
The script requires obse v16beta. From http://obse.silverlock.org/
5.Nehrim Third Person Camera Fix(如果不用Nehrim的童鞋这个可以无视......)
描述:Motion sickness be gone!
Vanilla Oblivion's third person camera makes me sick with all its swinging and swaying. There are a number of camera fixes for Oblivion but none are compativle with the "Nehrim - At Fate's Edge" total conversion. So I made one.
PLEASE NOTE: this doesn't work with regular oblivion only with Nehrim.
描述:This mod changes the behavior of the camera when in 3rd person view. Essentialy, the 3rd person camera now works like it did in Morrowind.
I had to make this mod... without it I get motion sickness.
沙发我的 回复 2# mr.yamato
额....忘了自己留沙发了........... 你会翻译吗??? GOOD!第四个MOD很好! 提子出来扣个鼻子看看{:3_59:} 第四个控制台TFC 留爪备用 目前用的是第二个,虽然准心有点偏,但总体还不错~
想打听下第4个怎么样?要是能支持和谐MOD的话打算下来试试~ 第四个有兼容骨骼。。。
我被这个弄怕了 Thank you!!!!!!!!! 不错不错啊,顶一下 第四个就跟wow的视角一样了吧? 第四个我收定了,谢谢楼主分享 这个好东西 谢谢LZ了 一直觉得视角很不舒服 LZ大好人啊{:3_121:},{:3_113:}有达人能推荐一个吗? 第4个自带兼容骨骼? 我只有用過第2個.Ultimate 3rd Person Camera
看起來第四個也不錯。 收下第四个试试~{:3_118:} 第二个 还是偏门
不知道有没有像动作类游戏那种视角呕? 第四个不敢用~~~出现两个主角 才发现原来下错了~~~我从4张图下面下的~~原来在上面啊。。。。 第四个谁有骨骼呀 我出现了两个人 图也花了 我按上第四个 没有准星…… 怎么调出来?点东西好费劲…… 第四个我杯具了 骨骼问题!!!{:3_151:}{:3_100:} 第2个好用! 偏差已经修复了不少了{:3_47:} 留爪备用 留个记号 不错!!!!!!!!!! 本帖最后由 jinkun1 于 2011-1-30 15:58 编辑