forged pass 这个任务怎么做啊
本帖最后由 cuiyonglia52 于 2010-11-22 10:38 编辑兽人岛一开始传送出来的那个小村子,任务目标指的是中间房子外面的墙上。。显示0米了为什么啥都没有。。。
Smart Mat has offered to get me a forged gate pass for 500 auras. He claims it's sure to fool the guards into letting me through...
本帖最后由 Benzene13 于 2010-11-21 22:55 编辑
先找NPC “ Lewsam the Gravedigger ”,接任务后再找NPC “ Thome the Scribe ”,一步步做下去即可 现在卡在(任务目标指的是中间房子外面的墙上。。显示0米了为什么啥都没有。。。)这了。。也忘了是哪一步了。。怎么办啊 forged pass是个不可完成的任务吧...那人是个骗子来的= =!
当然,走小路也能过 绕到房子后面有个门,进门电脑提示骗子从地下室溜了,追出去通到村子外,出来骗子蒸发了,杀了几只鸵鸟解气了事 路是过去了。但是这任务就那么放着看着闹心。。没办法做了吗? 哪个房子后面?中间那个?没有门啊? 回复 7# cuiyonglia52
传送点后面绕过去 回复cuiyonglia52
风灵月影 发表于 2010-11-22 10:09
对. 不知道这个任务最后还能不能抓到骗子, 咱们可是猪脚啊. 我去找找。找到小偷不K死他,憋我这么久,谢谢各位了。 门是锁着的啊? Smart Mat has offered to get me a forged gate pass for 500 auras. He claims it's sure to fool the guards into letting me through...
任务目标指向的是中间房子的墙上。 门是锁着的啊?
cuiyonglia52 发表于 2010-11-22 10:25
白天去的,肯定没锁. 求助啊。。。那段英文谁给翻译下啊 被骗其实也是一分支................ 第一个城开门的任务,貌似有2个骗子,一个500块,一个300块
300块那个骗子完全是骗人的,拿了钱跑到房子里你就进不去了,二楼阳台也被锁了,应该是没办法拿回来了 第一个城开门的任务,貌似有2个骗子,一个500块,一个300块
500块那个还是挺划算的,因为他会给你开房子的 ...
Horus_Ra 发表于 2010-11-22 10:57
有时间读个进度屠城 任务只能这么放着吗?没办法做下去了。 回复 19# cuiyonglia52
其实在进门追骗子最后了解自己被骗后,也可以认为任务完成了...因为那时候地图上已经没有那个任务的提示了... 弟兄们主要是心理上过不去,哈哈 绕过小路并拿到了丢失的头就不能再做墨水任务了? 回复 22# skywalkershen
貌似可以吧,我是绕过了小路再做墨水任务的,但没有完成递送头颅的任务 回复 23# 风灵月影
可我找不到那个人。。。Bayan的屋子都翻遍了,外面也没有 回复风灵月影
可我找不到那个人。。。Bayan的屋子都翻遍了,外面也没有 ...
skywalkershen 发表于 2010-11-22 15:56
我和你一个情况,任务指向中间房子,但是翻遍Bayan也没这个人。 回复 25# cuiyonglia52
Scribe’s InkwellReceived from: Tom Scribe [Bayan] (M3:7) will receive this task only if you’ve talked with Lewsam the gravedigger (M3:6) and accepted [Lost head].You will then receive the information (password) on howyou should talk to the scribe. To get the pass, you have to find theinkwell with red ink at the site of ruin. 这里说完跟掘墓人那接了lost head,知道了和scribe的暗语就直接跳到去废墟拿墨水了,没说tom scribe在哪。。。The scribe’s burnt house willbe marked on the map, head there [Savannah – northern part] (M7:1). There you will come across baboons – look out, as they attack from a distance. Go inside the burnt house and search the chests. Once you find the inkwell, return to Bayan. The scribe can be found in his house. By the door you will meet Flora – his ex-wife.不过这句说拿完墨水回Bayan时Scribe在他的房子里。在房门旁会遇到他的前妻。。。但这个人我还是不认识。。。
Ending 1You can give Flora the inkwell and in return you will learn about an old smugglers’ passage (M3:8).NOTICE: There are a few demanding enemies along the path. At the beginning you will have to fight varns and afterwards wild animals.
Ending 2You can refuse Flora, enter the house and give the inkwell to the scribe. You will receive a pass, thanks to which you will be able to pass through the gate and finish [Desertgate].