本帖最后由 yureneagle 于 2010-11-19 21:22 编辑这篇文章写得不错,看到这里没有,所以转贴一下
| General Tips |
-Don't fuss over your appearance and voice choice too much. You can change it
again before the tutorial is over. If you still don't like it, you can change
it whenever you want after the game's halfway point (but you're stuck with it
until then).
-Mind reading is an experience debt - it does not take away from your current
earned experience. Experience you gain in the future will go to paying off the
debt first, then you can resume gaining exp towards your next level. Your
current experience and experience debt are listed on your inventory screen.
-The game is difficult for the first 12 levels almost regardless of what
skills you choose. After reaching level 12, for a variety of reasons, the game
becomes much easier.
-The game becomes even easier still after acquiring your battle tower (roughly
halfway through the game), due to the plentiful availability of potions and
powerful creature parts. If potions and creature use aren't enough, consider
retraining your skills at the skill trainer. If all else fails, you can bump
the game's difficulty down a notch in the options menu.
-Keep an eye out for unusual looking rocks and plants. You can harvest gems
and ores used for enchanting or plants used for alchemy.
-Don't feel pressured to save all the gems, ore, and herbs that you find. Save
any Malachite Gems, but everything else becomes extremely easy to acquire in
large quantities later on.
-Divinity 2 has no fall damage, and virtual skydiving is a fun sport.
-Food is plentiful in the early game, and can be used to regenerate hit
points. Drinks will regenerate mana. These are excellent alternatives to
potions until level 10 or so, when you have too many hit points and mana to
rely on such weak sources of replenishment.
-Disenchant any enchanted items before selling them. This is one of the best
ways to learn a wide variety of enchanting formulas. Plus, it doesn't have an
effect on the sale value of the item.
-The small, green button just below and to the left of your inventory tabs
will auto sort the current tab when pressed.
-Healing may cost lots of mana, but don't life tap after using it. The life
tap will end the regeneration effect of the healing spell. Wait for the
regeneration to end, then life tap.
-Use and abuse the quicksave feature. Bind a quicksave key to something nearby
and press it every few minutes and before difficult fights. It's good
insurance in case the game crashes, or in case a particular fight is tougher
than you thought it would be.
-Make regular backup saves, too. Once you get in the habit of quicksaving,
it's very easy to quicksave in a bad situation. Try making regular saves
before entering new dungeons, before turning in difficult quests, and every
time you gain a level. Saving before major boss encounters or game-changing
events is a wise idea, too.
-If you explore thoroughly, by the end of the game you should have around 65
skill points. If you're extremely thorough, you can have over 75.
| Item Tips |
-Keep an eye out for equipment that gives a bonus to a skill, especially a
skill you plan on taking. These bonuses are the only way to max many of the
best skills in the game.
-Most containers have randomly generated loot, which scales to your level. Not
only does this mean the same container will have better items if you open it
at level 15 instead of 5, but it also means you can save before opening a
chest and reload if you don't like what's inside. The exact moment that the
contents are determined occurs as you approach the container, not when you
open it, so be careful if you try this trick. If you save too close to the
container, reloading won't change its contents.
-Locked chests work slightly differently. For those, loot is only generated if
you can open the chest. If you don't have the key or your lockpick skill isn't
high enough, the chest contents remain undetermined no matter how close you
-Quest items are randomly generated, too, but have a much more consistent
quality than container loot. Furthermore, the loot is generated when you turn
in the quest, and not before. So, if a quest offers a particularly good
quality set of reward choices, you can simply save before turning it in, then
keep reloading until you find a reward you like.
-Many boss enemies will also drop items of a consistent quality when killed,
and this same reload trick works for them, too. Save right before dealing the
killing blow, then if they don't drop an item you like, reload and kill them
-For the most part, abusing the above tricks is a huge waste of time. There
are less than a dozen places in the game where it might be worthwhile:
malachite ore veins, and legendary or better quality quest rewards or item
drops. For everything else, it's simply not worth the time. The Gremory chest
is a notable exception, since it always contains a legendary quality item,
unlike most chests which only have a small chance at containing a random
heroic quality item at best.
-Shops are actually quite a bit better than they first appear. They restock
their inventories to match you every time you gain a level. Merchants that
sell magical and heroic goods are quite precious indeed and you should visit
them every level to peruse their offerings for potential upgrades. Late in the
game, you can gain access to merchants that regularly stock legendary quality
items. Such shops are your best bet for finding equipment that surpasses the
pre-defined sets in the game.
-Don't let the quality of an item fool you. If the item level is high enough,
an uncommon item may be far superior to even a legendary. The quality of an
item only affects the number of properties, charm slots, and enchantments it
can have.
-Hit point regeneration is the best jewelry enchant by far. Stack as many
regenerating items as you can, but don't waste your malachite gems enchanting
it on new jewelry until you can enchant level 10 healing aura on an item
that's really good even without it.
-Life line is a surprisingly good armor enchant. The more hit points you have,
the more you regenerate. Of course, protection enchants are good, too.
-Increased damage and increased magical damage are the best weapon enchants.
They add more damage to each swing than any other enchant without exception.
If you have a weapon with a third enchanting slot, the last enchant is up to
personal preference.
-Gold is almost never a worthwhile quest reward. The items usually sell for
more, even if you won't use them.
-In the early game, it's not very important to maximize your exp. Once you get
to Orobas Fjords, consider taking as many exp rewards as you can, unless an
item being offered is very good for you (such as one that raises a skill).
-After the halfway point of the game, it's nearly impossible to run out of
gold. Just send your gem runner out for diamonds and your ore runner out for
malachite ore a few times, and you'll have 10k worth of gems and ore to sell
to a vendor before you know it. Repeat as needed.
-In a similar manner, potions are infinite. Since herbs sell so poorly anyway,
you can stock up on herbs for your favorite potions while your other runners
line your pockets with gold. It's pretty hard to die when carrying 75 potions
of greater rejuvenation. -------------
| Dragon Tips |
-Contrary to the loading tips, there seems to be no cooldown whatsoever on
your dragon morph stone. You can transform in and out of dragon form as often
and as rapidly as you like.
-Press the activate key (default 'E') while flying as a dragon to gain a quick
speed boost. You can do this once every two seconds.
-You only need one point of Dragon Spirit. The more points you have in Fire
Sphere and Firebreath, on the other hand, the better off you'll be.
-Dragon armor seems to have no effect on stats other than granting you a skill
-You can find many unique pieces of dragon armor in the Flying Fortresses.
These pieces tend to increase your best skills, such as Fire Sphere and
-When you unlearn all of your skills at a trainer, your Dragon skills are
unlearned, too.
-Your wyvern friend is useless as anything except a distractionary meat bag.
| Leveling Tips |
-You gain most of your experience from killing monsters, and the experience
you gain for each kill reduces with every level you gain.
-For that reason, do all of your mind reading before you go out exploring.
You'll gain more exp overall than you would if you did your exploring
-Unless you're in desperate need of a level, you should hold onto quests, too.
Kill exp goes down as you level, but quest rewards don't. On the contrary,
item rewards improve the higher the level you are.
-Because of the way you gain experience, the value of Wisdom is questionable.
In most cases, additional experience just means you'll get less exp from
enemies even sooner (and it's a far greater difference than the piddly 2% per
point granted by Wisdom). Wisdom is at its best after you've killed plentiful
enemies and are ready to turn in a large number of quests. Avoid it in the
early game, but consider investing in Wisdom once you get to Orobas Fjords for
that reason.
-If you save most of your Orobas Fjords quests until after you've reached the
highest level you can by other means, you can expect to reach level 35.
-If you truly go out of your way to level build as much as possible (abusing
the respawning enemies in the chapel of Aleroth, for example) it's possible to
reach level 37. It might even be possible to reach higher, but it becomes
exponentially more difficult (and wastes that much more of your time).
-Defensive buildings are the single exception to level scaling exp gain. No
matter how high your level, blowing up buildings as a dragon always gives full
exp. For that reason, try to save as many buildings as you can until you've
truly gotten as much exp as possible from killing enemies in human form.
-Do all these tips sound like a huge pain? Do you think they aren't worth the
effort? Then finish the game at level 32 or 33 and be happy. Frankly, the game
gets boring when you're level 37 anyway, because you can't take any damage
outside of the final battle (which is still easy at that level).
| Flying Fortress Tips |
-The easiest fortress to take down is Stone's, by a pretty big margin.
-Raze's fortress is the second easiest.
-Save Keara's fortress for last; it's quite difficult.
-Of the two that remain, Kali's fortress is probably the harder one.
-Attack Wizard and Lightning Towers first, then move on to Nest Towers second.
From there, just mop up the flying enemies and ballistas in whatever order you
see fit.
-If you're taking a lot of damage and you can't heal it all, find somewhere to
land. Heal up as a human, then take off as a dragon again. Flying enemies and
buildings won't attack you while you're a human. A single point in the heal
skill is very useful for this, since your mana regenerates quite quickly as a
-Dragon Commanders are extremely difficult to kill due to a full-life heal
with a very short cooldown. Save them for last, then focus your attacks on
them until they finally go down. There does seem to be a limit to their mana
pool, but it lasts for several heals. If you can't outlast them, try thinning
out nearby ballistas.
| Malachite Gems |
Needed for the best enchants in the game, these rare and elusive gems are
quite precious. While it's near impossible to get all of them in a single play
through of the game, using this list, you should be able to get enough to
comfortably enhance your favorite weapons, armor, and jewelry.
Broken Valley:
-You can buy two gems from Merchant Lamotte in the Broken Valley village.
-The only other gem you can acquire before adventuring in Orobas Fjords comes
from waking up the sleeping trio east of Lovis' tower.
Orobas Fjords:
-On the path leading to High Hall from the Depleted Ore Mine, you encounter a
traveling merchant by the name of Carleton. He sells a malachite gem, but be
careful! At the time of this writing, there is a bug that causes you to be
unable to buy from him if you open trade via dialogue. Click the Trade button
instead and you will be able to buy the gem.
-You receive two malachite gems as a reward for completing the quest 'The
Horror of High Hall'. If you read Beatrice's mind, the reward becomes four
gems, making this the single largest (reliable) source of malachite gems.
-If you read the goblin Charlie's mind while on the quest 'Reaping the Seeds',
a small treasure chest appears in the nest on top of Yggdrasil, and a
malachite gem is inside.
-If you chose Radcliff as your enchanter, you can trade the gem he asks for to
a pair of goblins in exchange for two malachite gems. Doing so will bar you
from ever getting a second upgrade for your workshop, but it's probably worth
the trade off unless you enchant a whole lot and hate utilizing your runners.
Malachite Veins:
The rest of the malachite gems can be found randomly in malachite veins. There
aren't many, and each one isn't guaranteed to have even one gem (though forum
rumors suggest up to four in a single vein). If you save your game before
approaching any given malachite vein, you can always reload until you get more
gems. However, it's probably not worth reloading as long as you get at least
-The first malachite vein you're likely to encounter is in the Depleted Ore
Mine, just past the three pedestals with the red, blue, and dark books on top.
-There is a second vein just behind the first. After you finish plundering the
first, turn around and look up. You'll have to jump onto a rock to reach it.
-There are two malachite veins near the Patriarch. The first is along the
eastern wall and is relatively easy to find. The second is hidden behind some
rocks on the western wall, very near an empty wagon sitting just in front of
the wooden platform you stand on when talking with the Patriarch.
-Two more malachite veins are in the Lost Tomb (the cave opened by the four
treasure hunter's seals). The first is along the right wall as you approach
the stone platform. The second is beneath the wooden platform on the left.
...and those poor adventurers thought there was nothing of value in there.
-There are two malachite veins in the Well Cave, in the room where you fight
Zagan. It's relatively hard to get these without triggering the combat, after
which it's technically possible to still get the gems but rather difficult.
Simply hug the left wall as tightly as you can, jumping up onto tall rocks
instead of going around when possible. When you're directly south of the large
orb in the middle of the room, you should see a large, flat rock with two
malachite veins on it. If you activate the combat by mistake, it's easiest to
just reload.
-If you don't want to or can't reload, you'll have to exploit a bug to get
the above two veins. First, finish the combat and fly to the exit. Then, after
transforming out of your dragon form, turn around and walk onto the large rock
to the left. You'll want to jump out into the cavern, but angled sharply to
the right. If done correctly, when the game tries to auto-transform you into a
dragon, you'll get a "not enough room" error and fall into the lava, strangely
taking no damage. From there, you should jump out of the lava, work your way
around the orb with skillful acrobatics, and finally claim your gems. It's a
lot easier to just reload. 本帖最后由 yureneagle 于 2010-11-19 21:24 编辑
Skill books:
1. Farglow, Goblin Training Area, Ontop of one of the big rocks.
2. Broken Valley, Village, The Black Boar Inn, 3rd floor locked door, strange tomb, 3 parts.
3. Broken Valley, Secret Passage, Secret room with pressure plate, behind big spiderweb.
4. Broken Valley, Citadel Dungeon, Hanging from a chain, Activate pedestals, then pick the book up it is in one of the corners close to where you started at.
5. Broken Valley, Naberius Storage, Need 4 Parchments to activate the teleporter to get there.
After Battle Tower:
1. Orobas Fjords, Sinister Cavern, Book in the chest near the Book of the Dead.
2. Orobas Fjords, High Hall Mines, Near where Mundus is located.
3. Orobas Fjords, Red Hammer Tribe's Cave, Book on the bench behind the only door.
4. Kali's Fortress Headquarters, After killing Kali read "The Demon Wars" for 5 extra skill points!
5. Stone's Fortress Greenery, Drop black rose and moonshine into the spring for 1 extra skill point.
6. Ygerna's Memory, at the very end of game, behind you where you start.
Mind Reading:
1. Broken Valley, Near Temple of Maxos, Read ZixZax's mind for 2 extra skill points!
2. Orobas Fjords, Outside Depleted Ore Mine, Mindread Lister for 1 extra skill point.
3. Sentinel Island, Battle Tower, Read Sassan's mind for 1 extra skill point.
4. Sentinel Island, Battle Tower, Read Trainer's mind for 1 extra skill point.
5. Sentinel Island, Battle Tower, Read Enchanter's mind for 1 extra skill point.
6. Sentinel Island, Battle Tower, Read Necromancer's mind for 1 extra skill point.
7. Sentinel Island, Battle Tower, Read Alchemist's mind for 1 extra skill point.
8. Broken Valley, Mine, Mindread Ba'al for 2 extra skill points!
9. Aleroth, Ministry, Tell Zandalor to wait you need rest before start then you can mindread him for 2 extra skill points!
10. Hall of Echoes, Arena, Mindread Charon for 1 extra skill point.
11. Hall of Echoes, Arena, Mindread Marius for 1 extra skill point.
12. Hall of Echoes, Arena, Mindread Sassan for 1 extra skill point.
13. Hall of Echoes, Arena, Mindread Amdusias for 1 extra skill point.
14. Hall of Echoes, Arena, Mindread Ba'al for 1 extra skill point.
1. Sentinel Island, Battle Tower, 1st Quest from Trainer.
2. Sentinel Island, Battle Tower, 1st Quest from Wesson, don't get from Radcliff.
3. Sentinel Island, Battle Tower, 1st Quest from Necromancer.
4. Sentinel Island, Battle Tower, 1st Quest from Alchemist.
5. Sentinel Island, Battle Tower, 2nd Quest from Trainer.
6. Sentinel Island, Battle Tower, 2nd Quest from Wesson, don't get from Radcliff.
7. Sentinel Island, Battle Tower, 2nd Quest from Necromancer.
8. Sentinel Island, Battle Tower, 2nd Quest from Alchemist.
9. Sentinel Island, Legend of the Ancient Mariner, Read The "Ancient Tomb" for 2 extra skill points.
1. Sentinel Island, When exit The Temple of Doom, Mindread the character Island to level up.
2. Sentinel Island, Near Barrier/or in Battle Tower after choosen all 4 servents, Mindread Island again for 1 extra skill point.
*Total Extra Skill Points = 43(-1 if you go for stats at the spring).
Stat Books:
1. Broken Valley, Tomb, Located on one of the altars.
2. Sentinel Island, Battle Tower, 3rd floor, Read Erkling's writings for 2 extra stat points.
After Battle Tower:
1. Orobas Fjords, Champion Harbour, Aurellius Office, To the right when you enter his office.
2. Stone's Fortress Greenery, Drop Oak tear and Holy basil into the spring for 5 extra stat points.
3. Broken Valley, Geshniz's Fortress Headquarters, Use Potion of wisdom to get 5 extra intelligence.
Mind Reading:
1. Broken Valley, Wooden Guard Tower, Mindread Quincy for 1 extra stat point.
2. 2. Broken Valley, Daylight Robbery, Mindread Jenae/Fillip after the robbery for 1 extra stat point.
3. Broken Valley, Citadel Dungeon, read Toshan's mind for 1 extra stat point.
4. Broken Valley, Bandit Camp, Mindread The Porter Christopher's for 1 extra stat point.
5. Broken Valley, Bandit Camp, read Targo's mind for 1 extra stat point.
6. Broken Valley, Temple of Maxos, read the Librarians mind to get 2 extra stat points from understanding the book downstairs.
7. Sentinel Island, Battle Tower, Before Summoning circle read Sassan's mind for 1 extra stat point.
8. Sentinel Island, Battle Tower, After Summoning circle read Sassan's mind for an additional stat point.
9. Aleroth, Plaza, Mindread Augustus for 1 extra stat point.
1. Temple of Maxos, Blood Altar, Read The Book of The Dragon for 1 extra stat point in each attribute.
*Total Extra Stat Points = 29(-5 if go for skill at the spring).
在Feast or Famine任务中,如果选择帮助守卫杀死Richard,则可以在杀死Richard后通过对Lomax读心而获得一个属性点
Dragon Skill Books:
1. Orobas Fjords, Primordial Cave, Chicken Room.
After Battle Tower:
2. Sentinel Island, Battle Tower, Personal quarters on your bed.
3. Sentinel Island, Battle Tower, Trainer Arena, on the table.
4. Sentinel Island, Battle Tower, Enchanter Workshop, on the table.
5. Sentinel Island, Battle Tower, Necromancer Ring, on the table.
6. Sentinel Island, Battle Tower, Alchemy Garden, on the table.
7. Sentinel Island, Battle Tower Shrine, South of the shrine in a wyerns nest.
8. Orobas Fjords, Primordial Cave, Located on the east wall of the Fire Maze.
9. Orobas Fjords, Orobas Crypt, Get one from solving a memorize puzzle with a talking chest.
10. Orobas Fjords, Orobas Crypt, This one is close to some candles on the ground.
11. Orobas Fjords, High Hall Mines, Book is near the chest next to a lava-pit, It's in the 'center' chamber of the cave
12. Orobas Fjords, Sinister Cavern, Near where Barnabus is located.
13. Orobas Fjords, Well Cave, Near where Kezzz first appears.
14. Orobas Fjords, Dark Cave, Located on a table near Ragon.
15. Orobas Fjords, Lost Tomb, Book is located the right of the coffer.
16. Orobas Fjords, Red Hammer Tribe's Cave, The book is near Groth.
17. Orobas Fjords, Bandit Hideout, Located Near Ragon.
18. Kali's Fortress Headquarters, When killed Kali she will drop 1 dragon skill book.
19. Stone's Fortress Arena, Kill Stone for 1 extra dragon skill book.
20. Stone's Flying Fortress, Kill Xanlosch for 1 extra dragon skill book.
21. Stone's Flying Fortress, Inner Passage, East of map in a chest is a dragon skill book.
22. Keara's Fortress Headquarters, Kill Keara for 1 extra dragon skill book.
23. Raze's Fortress Headquarters, Kill Raze for 1 extra dragon skill book.
24. Broken Valley, Rayhun's Fortress Headquarters, Kill Rayhun for 1 extra dragon skill book.
25. Aleroth, Ministry, Go up the stairs to the right for 1 extra dragon skill book.
Mind Reading:
1. Orobas Fjords, Primordial Cave, Mindread Patriarch for 3 extra dragon skill points!
1. Broken Valley, Temple of Maxos, Librian Quest "The Two Volumes".
Total Extra Dragon Skill Points = 30 {:3_42:}新表情上线。。。。。我戳
机翻表示对LZ发的东西鸭梨很大 -------------------
| Battle Tower Tips |
-Between the two necromancers, Jonelath is the superior choice. The armor
bonuses they grant your creature are negligible, and you get more exp for
completing Jonelath's quests.
-For a skill trainer, choose Hermosa. Upgrading your Skill Training Area to
the max level with Kenneth requires you to give up a book that gives you five
skill points - the single biggest skill boost in the game. Hermosa only asks
you to give up a sword - a good sword, for sure, but it's hardly five skill
-The choice of enchanters is a tougher one. If you intend to upgrade your
Workshop to the maximum, choose Wesson to gain more exp and two skill points
instead of one. If you choose Radcliff, however, you can sacrifice the final
upgrade (which isn't very useful) for two malachite gems (which are extremely
-If you choose Allan as your alchemist, you can have him make you the unique
Allan Brew - an armor potion 1.5 times as effective as the next best one.
Barbatos, on the other hand, will reward you with one more skill point and he
reduces the ingredient cost of potions at the max Alchemy Garden level by 3
instead of Allan's 2. Furthermore, he can make stat buffing potions for free,
though they aren't the highest quality (and cheap ingredients make for
plentiful better potions anyway). Lastly, choosing Allan forces you to give up
the Potion of Wisdom, which grants you 5 int for free. Unless you really like
Allan's personality, Barbatos is the better choice.
-Once fully equipped, your runners will complete their errands as soon as you
leave your Battle Tower and return. Take advantage of their speed to quickly
stock up on valuable materials. If you leave your tower before they've even
finished running out, however, you'll have to leave one more time before they
-When you upgrade your workshop, you must choose whether to upgrade weapons,
armour, or jewelry. Whichever you pick, all formulas for that type will cost
one less of each ingredient. This cannot reduce the cost below 1, so
unfortunately, all enchants requiring Malachite Gems still do so.
-Upgrading your Alchemist will make all formulas cost one less of each
ingredient. Unlike the workshop upgrade, this can reduce certain ingredient
costs to zero. A potion will never be completely free, however, so even very
low level potions will still require at least one ingredient. 完全看不懂 英文啊...有空慢慢研究研究 给你们个翻译链接~~~
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