貌似最指2 up1.24出来了
Supreme Commander 2 Patch Notes v1.24
Published on November 16, 2010 in News.
Fixes and Improvements:
Increased lobby timeout to 8 seconds as an experiment, up from 4. This will increase matchmaker leniency, but may result in more shaky connections being permitted into games
Save Game Load fixes. Rare broken save games from v1.23 should load correctly now
Fix for illuminate Quantum Floating units sometimes not leaving wreckage, not firing off their death weapon, and not being able to fire their weapons when built on water
Fix for ACUs not finishing their current project when paused
Fixed UI based economy exploit
Adjusted vanilla tuning of Loyalists to match DLC
Adjusted vanilla tuning of Cybran Jump Jet research to match DLC
Adjusted DLC tuning of Illuminate PD to match vanilla
Fix for AI platoons being too timid
Increased AI Prioritizing of enemy ACUs
Fix for the AI researching items twice after loading a saved game or starting a game with all research unlocked
Neural Net platoon fixes to salvo calculations. Should result in more persistent attacks
AI will attack a non-targeted enemies area if they can’t attack anything else
英文不好,所以没翻 。 暂时不追, 等完美Gold版 老虎头像丢了啊赶紧追上哇咔咔 ~~~~ 我可爱的洋葱头XD表情啊真是过分{:3_58:} 头像丢了可以再找回来,就怕人丢了.:lol 平衡还是没动……
GPG为什么就扔着那么明显的东西不动呢???又不是SE不给出补丁! 哪时补丁完结,我想刻碟保存呢 1.25已公布