新电台MOD:The Secret Stash!(里面的歌曲名字就是游戏的任务名
Uploaded 12:25, 10 November 2010, last updated 06:12, 12 November 2010
Ever notice how most of the quests have names that reference classic songs? This mod adds those songs to Mr. New Vegas's playlist. The result is a mix that the game developers must have had on their iPods while writing the game. Put together by the modder behind the 6th most popular Fallout 3 Mod of all time, "GNR - More Where That Came From"
Specifically, this mod adds the music that served as the inspiration for the following quests:
Track Pack 1 (Tracks 1-20)
1 - Back in the Saddle
2 - They Went That-a-Way
3 - Ring-a-Ding-Ding
4 - Ace in the Hole
5 - You'll Know it When it Happens
6 - All or Nothing
7 - Arizona Killer
8 - Ant Misbehavin'
9 - Eyesight to the Blind
10 - Cold, Cold Heart
11 - ED-E My Love
12 - Come Fly With Me
13 - By a Campfire on the Trail (tutorial quest)
14 - Volare!
15 - Nothin' But a Hound Dog
16 - Aba Daba Honeymoon
17 - Bye Bye Love
18 - Back in Your Own Backyard
19 - No, Not Much
20 - Guess Who I Saw Today
Track Pack 2 (Tracks 21-40)
21. You Can Depend on Me
22. Beyond the Beef
23. Anywhere I Wander
24. Left My Heart
25. That Lucky Old Sun
26. One for My Baby
27. That Old Black Magic
28. Bitter Springs Infirmary Blues
29. I Forgot to Remember
30. Finger of Suspicion
31. Someone to Watch Over Me
32. When the Moon Comes Over the Tower
33. Why Can't We Be Friends?
34. I Put a Spell on You
35. I Hear You Knocking
36. Oh My Papa!
37. Tend to Your Business
38. Hard Luck Blues
39. Cry Me a River
40. I Don't Hurt Anymore
传送门:NV的内涵,任务名字! http://bbs.3dmgame.com/showtopic-1562429.html 啊 电台 这个牛了一定要下的···· 這個不錯!! 下載中, 等會分流 纯支持!!!!! 放了ESP 不知道為甚麼沒反應... 我也没反应,是不是得装什么插件之类的mod 我杯具了。。。。。。本来挂机下载的,等我回家一看,网断了。。。。唉。。。现在正在龟速重新下载中。 本来就在想谁能做个这种电台,没想到这么块就有了 厉害了 传送门没必要了,去百度或google的话搜任务攻略的人都知道,全是歌曲!有用的没几个!
没官方攻略的还是去wiki 搜索吧 還沒出分流啊? 实在传不动啊