原文:Hey, we're the guys who sought composers for an alternative soundtrack earlier this year. So, after seven long months, we're finally finished with the project and the soundtrack is complete.
It is a music mod for Fallout 3 that replaces ambient and GNR music as well as few music effects in the game. Featuring music from 14 different artists, which of some are members of NMA. If you want your Fallout 3 to sound more hostile and post-apocalyptic, this is the mod to grab.
<輻射新聞社 5月28日 電>在去年11月25日的時候,NMA上有則新聞是有人在募集會作曲的人,想進行FO3背景音樂重新編曲的工作,他們希望能讓三代音樂更貼近原本一二代的風格。過了半年的現在,他們一共14位編曲者完成了這項計畫並開放下載。這些曲子會取代背景音樂及GNR的音樂,還有少數幾個遊戲內的音樂效果。如果你希望你的FO3能聽起來更具後啟示錄的風格,那這個音樂mod你可以試試看。
辐射3自制音乐 谢谢,可以试试