附件是几个打包在一起的FNV Respawn Time
Simply changes respawn timer of Monsters/NPCs/Animals.
Default Respawn time - 3 Days.
Now you can choose how often they'll respawn.
--FNV Respawn Timer Default--
Common Edition for those who prefer Vanilla rules, but still want to switch Respawn timing.
--FNV Respawn Timer Improved--
Does the same as Default, plus forces to respawn maps, where respawning was impossible before.
More Fiends
A large number of fiends have been added to various areas in NV.
The fiend territory around Vault 3 is filled with (respawning) raider (pardon fiends) now. Small gangshave been added to other areas in wasteland, be prepared for encounters. Live for merchants will be harder, fiends are assaulting trade routes sometimes.
Increased Legion Presence
I felt that, for all the talk of Legion skirmishers and raiding parties, not enough were present. This mod increases their presence by adding a camp to Caesar's Safehouse near Nipton and a few spawns elsewhere in the wasteland's southern and southeast areas.
I tried to keep them from commonly coming into contact with other NPCs or interfering, but a couple of them can move enough to do so if luck works just right.
Female Fiends
已用... 匪帮点数量..杀的爽 爽到反白 堆啊堆 有分流有支持一定堆 这个好 总觉得NV的敌人太少。 顶个海枯石烂 有点卡 不错不错- 这个好 总觉得NV的敌人太少 怎么用啊 麻烦给指点一下。 杀出个黎明。。。。 恩,增加敌人的肯定要支持,杀要杀个爽~~ 好 可以杀个爽了 贫僧就这点心事,让LZ看穿了 我就是等這個~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~真的謝謝你 会卡不?还有刷新快不?不要几次快速旅行就刷一大堆出啊 感谢楼主分享!
这个MOD爽死了! 登陆了找这个贴子顶,翻了5页没找到,原来被加亮了。顶上。 好样的……秋游太无聊了 可以大开杀戒了 好像也没加多少怪 这个算是MMM的另一种吗 不错不错感觉敌人是少了点有了这个就能好好爽爽了 收下了 好东西~
谢分享~ ls 的朋友不会都被射的满脸都是了吧 More Fiends
來不及按回血就死了 这个不错,下了好多强大武器MOD,正愁敌人太弱小,杀得不过瘾呢~~~