【转载】【NLSC】"Shadow Mod Part 3" (作者:johndo
下载地址: http://www.mediafire.com/?i1cjwbx1a297ek3作者原话:"Shadow Mod 3" includes new Global File with fixed White Players and Improved shadows for all skin types. Also included are 30 home and away jerseys that are now fixed. No more crazy locker room or nba.com dark shadows. NOTE to Patchers: Please USE these Jerseys and Global in your patches. This is all community property. Please use as you wish. Its all Bug Free, im sure of it
http://imgur.com/tVd9E.jpg 坐等高人整合,,,,,,,,
回复 1# jxg2210 的帖子
沙发?回复 3# ultramanb 的帖子
你慢了一步。、 看不懂 我也看 不懂 改进百人肤色,的确白人的肤色过于偏红了点 帮忙顶一下罢。 NBA。COM 的黑影 没有了啊,好啊之前就是是觉得NBA.COM界面的直接黑影一坨不是很爽