该补丁可不用安装 直接安装update2补丁 http://bbs.3dmgame.com/showtopic-1534026.html2010-10-22 04:15 更新 Fallout.New.Vegas.Update.1.Hotfix-SKIDROW
2、解压后直接运行Fallout.New.Vegas.Update.1.Hotfix.exe 安装
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Group SKIDROW brings you first update for Fallout New Vegas, which fixes quest and scripting issues. Don’t forget to read NFO for more details about this update, enjoy.
Description: Experience all the sights and sounds of fabulous New Vegas, brought to you by Vault-Tec, America’s First Choice in Post Nuclear Simulation. Explore the treacherous wastes of the Great Southwest from the safety and comfort of your very own vault: Meet new people, confront terrifying creatures, and arm yourself with the latest high-tech weaponry as you make a name for yourself on a thrilling new journey across the Mojave wasteland. From Bethesda Softworks and the veteran RPG designers at Obsidian Entertainment (a team which includes members of the original Fallout and 2 teams) comes Fallout: New Vegas, a thrilling and chilling episode in the Fallout saga.
解压后直接运行Fallout.New.Vegas.Update.1.exe 安装
本补丁包含所有已发布的DLC 并修正一些任务和脚本错误
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回复看看 吧 补丁? 下来看看 niubi 回复看看 吧 我表示装了FOOK不知道有影响不 这么快就有补丁 聽說這补丁不是很給力..... 这么快就有补丁 帧数问题解决了么? =w=SKIDROW又破解又放更新包又經常發新版本破解,真是很負責任的好scener組呢. 这么快就出修正补丁了啊,现在的游戏制作者就不会发售前测试下吗? 修正什么 sgsdgfasfaf 谢谢斑竹 没放点和谐的东西进去呐 支持 kankan~~~~~~~~~~~ 哦,多谢,下。 nani - -新补丁 THANK YOU 支持 看看。。。。。。。。。 谢谢!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 谢谢..支持 ............... 回覆 ... 謝謝 ... 這麼快就有得修,看來debug時沒用心喔 支持一下... 好大的更新包~