作者原文Made this for personal use, but I figure I might as well upload it if anyone wants it.
I really liked the XM1014 after playing a ton of Left 4 Dead, but it doesn't have a good reload animation or reload one shell at a time due to engine issues. I figured I'd tack a box magazine on and solve that problem.I mean, hey, Hitman: Blood Money did it with a SPAS-12.
It holds seven rounds, is a bit more powerful than the default combat shotgun, can be repaired with those, and has a much faster semi-auto fire rate (around 3 shots a second). Great for clearing rooms, massacring feral ghouls, or what have you.
Can be found in Brandice's House in Grayditch.
获取方式:在灰渠任务NPC他家对面的房子里二楼靠在墙上、或代码自给自足 沙发~~~~~~~~~~
此枪的参数貌似超越僵尸同伴的那把,射速更快精度更高杀伤力一般(这个可以随意调整) 那槍...不是進彈夾的吧-.-
還是進子彈的動作好看- - 装填动作是个动画文件~~~~作者懒得做要么不会做要么, ,,,,,,,