When will we see FIFAM11 demo?
There are not much time until the premiere of FIFA Manager 11. In the meantime the whole world community can’t wait the demo version especially that some users make a decision about buying the game after testing it. Whereas the demo release date is not fixed yet. Nevertheless searching the official forum intended for German users mainly, we found out information that demo version will be tested from next Monday. Does it mean that we will be able to test the new edition of FIFA Manager 11 next week? The time will tell if it’s true, however it’s high time for presenting this product. May it not happen again that we get the final game earlier than the demo.从这篇文章看,下周一有可能发布DEMO~~~不过不好说~~ 刚才看了一下fm2011的demo已经出了,FIFAM还没出,真是让人无比的蛋疼啊~~~~ 有没有DEMO无所谓,反正正式版马上就要发布了,到时候直接下载正式版就行了。 上次竟然是正式版出了才出DEMO的,无比郁闷,不过DEMO也要1G多呢,而且3D不完整的