Solution for FPS drop near NPC for FNV可能的解决方案:-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -----------
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“iFPSClamp = 0”到“iFPSClamp = 40”
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“bUseFaceGenHeads = 1”到“bUseFaceGenHeads = 0”
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Thread I: http://forums.bethso...ns-very-choppy/
Petition: http://forums.bethso...-npc-lag-issue/
General Slowdowns Thread: http://forums.bethso...-fps-slowdowns/
Please Use Spoiler tags for dxdiag posts
Possible Solutions:
In the console, type the following:
(Special Thanks to Headless Chickens Inc)
In the console, type the following:
In the .ini file change the following
"iFPSClamp=0" to "iFPSClamp=40"
(Special Thanks to Neversleeps)
A clean install of the drivers using Driver Sweeper.
(Special Thanks to iamMark)
In the .ini file change the following:
"bUseFaceGenHeads=1" to "bUseFaceGenHeads=0"
This Solution will cut off everyone's head.
(Special Thanks to Diari)
A more risky (and involved) solution can be found in this thread
(Special Thanks to Seth9964)
who can translate this into Chinese, great thanks! haven't tried Um what's with all this English?
So your no Chinese after all?
If so I'm wondering how'd you find all the way to here. 不知道真的有效么。。。。。。 都是治标不治本的... 游戏都没下好呢。 关掉NPC表情啊,限制帧数啊,不显示NPC的头...这种哪里叫解决办法的... 外国朋友你好
Hello my international friend
Welcome to China
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回复 6# havoc123 的帖子
原来ToggleEmotions和FPSClamp是这个用处 ToggleEmotions这个关了正常了开了我也没觉得有什么表情.... So why reply in English while you can actually understand Chinese?
Saw it on another thread.
回复 9# xym119 的帖子
关了表情问题很大啊。 LS别激动,可能是HK的朋友看得懂但是懒的打中文,他们有些打中文确实不熟练。。。PS:刚在原帖看了,感谢LZ转载
回复 10# Baos 的帖子
because I'm using an office computer and can't type Chinese for some of you, could you be polite? I just want to help回复 11# Baos 的帖子
会有什么不良后果额怕怕回复 13# joe62182385 的帖子
...uhh I think I understand what you mean.Alright if you say so, keep it that way.
回复 12# 沙僧真不是光头 的帖子
我没激动好不好 Umm back to the agenda...If it's such workarounds... I'll pass, sorry. 看了那些帖子,貌似是win7x64的问题 有人换了xp就正常了的,你说关掉表情GPU使用率还是一样悲剧 打酱油的。。不明真想。 In the .ini file change the following:
"bUseFaceGenHeads=1" to "bUseFaceGenHeads=0"
This Solution will cut off everyone's head.
(Special Thanks to Diari)
PS:google translate is your best friend 确实不卡了,大家用吧