foobar2000 1.1.1 Beta 1 光棍版
[*] Improved first run experience[*] With standard (non-portable)installs, foobar2000 Media Library defaults to indexing your musicfolders indexed by Windows itself. [*] HTTPS support in networking services[*] This is mainly relevant to component developers. You can now access HTTPS URLs through filesystem and http_client services. [*] Fixed a rare crash when closing the Preferences dialog in specific conditions.[*] Improved compatibility with broken MP4 files.下载:foobar2000 1.1.1 Beta 1因爲版本號 異常犀利 所以叫光棍版 这不是摆明了欺负我们鸟语盲么? 版本号相当不错 这个只是下载说明啊,你这东西用来干啥的给大家介绍下啊,而且还是测试版啊 音乐播放器
我v0.9.6已经用了3年啦 全解码 很完美 内存占用很少