Main files
Hi-Rez BOG skins 2_0 HD Base Pack 10,675kb
Hi-Rez BOG skins 2_0 HD BERRY Pack10,710kb
Hi-Rez BOG skins 2_0 CALI Pack10,671kb
Hi-Rez BOG skins 2_0 D_Cup Perky Pack 10,670kb
Optional files
Optional Pubic Hair light
Optional Pubic hair Standard
Optional Pubic Hair Wasteland Au Natural
Very High Quality Beware of Girl Edition Type 3 skin replacer now for FO:New Vegas. 3 times normal resolution and with subtle but effective skin textures detail for a enhanced and realistic look for your Type 3 character body.
As of now there are 4 different types. More to be uploaded soon. Current users of my original BEWARE OF GIRL Type 3 HiRez HiDetailed Replacer for Fallout 3 can just replace the body mesh (.nif) with you current favorite.
2.0 Features:
*Final fine tuned skin texture
*Minimized seam lines
*New enhance UV maps to create subtle muscle, joint and skin textures as well as unique lighting to achieve the best quality of realism
*New updated nipple textures
*Standard length nails, manicured. Nail texture variants coming soon!!!
*Optional skins with pubic hair, Standard,light, and Wasteland Au Natural.
*Now for New Vegas
*Also added new idle animation.
User uploaded images welcome and encouraged.
If you like, please endorse, would be much appreciated.
The images here are of the Berry HD body. For other variants, you can see them Here from the Fallout 3 Version
This is a full Type 3 replacement so is to be used only with Type 3 associated armor and costume mods. Will work with new Vegas Vanilla armores untill Type 3 ones are available.
Unpack compressed folder for your chosen body type and drag the files into your data folder. For now this version uses a
ArchiveInvalidation.txt file for correct texture showing until FOMM catches up with New Vegas. So be sure the text file is present in your data folder.
*dimon99 for his work on the Type 3 Body replacer for Fallout 3 that inspired this version.
*Backsteppo for 'Narrowed shoulder Type 3 based Body meshes' for Fallout 3 and alternative idle animation meshes
*humannature66 for the hand meshes from his Manicured French nails mod for Fallout 3
*Me and my modest texture skills 0_o
NOTE: If anyone wishes to use this mod, in parts or in whole, in other mods or make conversions please PM for permission of use
这几个。改怎么装? 额。。围观等高端。 坐等FOMM for New Vegas 你要选一个身形然后丢到data里 话说还是等等完善的版本在用了= = 辐射3最近非常多产的一个黑妞做的原来用于辐射3T3身形的皮肤的FNV版 Main files
Hi-Rez BOG skins 2_0 HD Base Pack 10,675kb--基本
Hi-Rez BOG skins 2_0 HD BERRY Pack10,710kb--較豐滿
Hi-Rez BOG skins 2_0 CALI Pack10,671kb--較纖瘦(好像吧,不確定)
Hi-Rez BOG skins 2_0 D_Cup Perky Pack 10,670kb--D cup胸部版
Optional files
Optional Pubic Hair light
Optional Pubic hair Standard
Optional Pubic Hair Wasteland Au Natural
安裝的方法應該和Fallout 3類似,但是要自己修改ArchiveInvalidation文件(材質無效化)
以上內容若有錯誤,歡迎指正,謝謝。 下了。。装上了~
Hi-Rez BOG skins 2_0 HD Base Pack
然后OPTIONAL的下体 Optional Pubic Hair light