杯具了吧...哥已经玩了一通宵你..们还在几点几点的爬着 LZ澳版 最小镜像窗口要黑多久才能进? 我下个什么版本真的很重要么? 你玩是你的事 一天到晚在那里叫 不同人不同喜好 我们美版的犯着你了???
回复 2# c634290150 的帖子
2-3秒就进了啊~~你要黑多久? 点开以后一直黑着……直接拿最小镜像那个EXE覆盖吧?
回复 3# gbzcy1989 的帖子
喜欢等..喜欢熬是把....自作贱回复 5# c634290150 的帖子
有免CD了回复 7# l860523 的帖子
求链接我也找找回复 6# l860523 的帖子
那又关你什么事用不着你发帖子在这叫 素质点 我喜欢,吹我,咬我啊,笨蛋···回复 5# c634290150 的帖子
最小镜像的EXE?这是什么?你去下个免DVD啊~~虽然是隔壁的 你们不懂~美版名字好听。我就喜欢,就比澳版好~好一万倍~
我跟风我自豪~~ 那是因为这个不是真正的美版吧
你才是2B 就是下美版怎么着,
不爽你咬我啊。 ...挂一晚上下下来了 坐等面补 里面人真丑 我只能说LZ..你素质低下..低级品味...别人喜欢玩美版.你管得着?
回复 12# JY00767397 的帖子
好的 多谢 一群2B还在YY美版 不是 九宫格。。。哈哈。。。。。。。。。 我360都玩了几天了,楼主才一个通宵神经病
回复 20# bianhao3755 的帖子
哥在玩360的时候你在干嘛.......就因为360版的画面太差才转战PC...不要跟我炫360....哥有几台的360 2K官方管理员都说了,PC版的界面就这个样,管你什么版本。。。Quote:Originally Posted by 2K Admin Ron
Guys, the look of the PC menu is just that... the look. Erick Boenisch, who wrote many of the Insights and worked heavily on the PC version, told me that all the options are there. The reason the menu is still that toggle system from last year is because the one from this year didn't fit. But everything is there... It's the same exact game as console besides this one design thing.
The player models thing is ridiculous, they're completely new.
I am trying to confirm whether or not there are custom soundtracks. Regardless of whether there are or not, the PC has features that the other two don't (I am sure you can figure it out). We are not trying to jilt PC users. I play on PC myself quite often and love the experience.