Two worlds 2 delayed information From Gamespot
看得懂的英文 請進 我把重要的用紅色標出Studio refutes publisher SouthPeak's claim that delay was due to unfinished state of game, says North American publisher instead wanted to avoid crowded holiday for RPGs.
Yesterday, SouthPeak Interactive delayed the North American launch of Two Worlds II until January, suggesting it wanted the game to be "absolutely flawless" when it launched. The implication that the role-playing game was in an unfinished state and needed extra development time didn't sit well with TopWare Interactive, the company making Two Worlds II along with developer Reality Pump. Presumably, the notion that the game was unfinished also didn't sit well with the game's European publisher Zuxxez, which still plans to release it in a handful of territories October 21.
The universe of Two Worlds II is finished. Err…except for this bridge.
TopWare today told GameSpot that development on Two Worlds II had finished, and that SouthPeak's decision was actually made due to an "exceptionally crowded" 2010 holiday season of RPGs.
"Truth be told, fans only have so much time to spend playing these content-rich games, and there were concerns our title could potentially be lost in the fanfare," TopWare managing director James Seaman said in a statement. "Our publishing partner SouthPeak, to their credit, has acknowledged this fact and made an adjustment, postponing their launch of Two Worlds II into early 2011."
The TopWare statement went on to call SouthPeak's assertion that the game wasn't finished "factually incorrect." All production, bug testing, and localization work was finished in mid-September, the company said, adding that this year's and next year's Two Worlds II launches will contain the same content (except for patches or updates released in the interim, which could make it onto the 2011 retail launch disc). Instead of working to finish up the core Two Worlds II game, Reality Pump is instead readying its post-launch support and downloadable content plans. 如果 我没理解错的话 欧洲还会上市 只是北美延期了 盛大文学CEO侯小强在今天下午15时左右,通过微博放话,要求百度在三天之内将百度网页搜索结果、百度文库、百度贴吧内的所有的盗版文学作品与链接清理掉。盛大文学旗下拥有起点、红袖添香、晋江文学网、榕树下、小说阅读网、言情小说吧、潇湘书院等多家中文原创小说网站。事实性垄断的盛大文学同样头疼的是大量的盗版文学网站,为了抢占电子阅读市场,成为中国网络文学的寡头,盛大在2010年频频出招,不仅发布《2010中国网络文学蓝皮书》,更是挥剑起诉百度搜索。
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【周边线材产品】购买入口 话说越来也和谐了,但ls的回这个贴什么意思啊 0 0照这么说这游戏还没做好呢 后面那人说的是假话吧 9月就做好了怎么不在十月初上市?那时候也不拥挤 游戏还没有完全搞定,欧洲发行商只是不能接受这个事实,所以坚持说什么10月21日发行,但是这根本不现实了,没经过精心雕琢的游戏发行出来是什么样子大家都知道,所以还是别着急的好。