hjinlong 发表于 2010-9-23 23:23

NBA 2K11-新文章!Association Insight王朝模式的介紹(2)



As you can probably guess, the first thing we wanted to address with thenewdraft is the draft logic used to select players for the CPU teams. CPU teamsnowuse a combination of ‘team needs’ versus ‘best player available’ logic.Initially,they will look at positions of need and identify the best player atthose needs.After that, they will look at all players available and determineif the best playeravailable (if he is not at a position of need) outweighs thebenefit of draftingthe best player available at a position of need. It’sreally a very crafty logicsystem that works extremely well.

So where are the ‘tangible’ features I mentioned above? Well, I’m very pleasedtoannounce that our new NBA Draft features Draft Day Trades!

Here is a Draft Day Trade where the Thunder, knowing they are close to titlecontention,made a power move to acquire J Rich. The Suns, clearly in need ofassets, managedto pick up a couple draft picks to aid in their rebuildingefforts. A good deal forboth.
这是个雷霆队的选秀日交易,知道他们已经接近冠军的争夺,做出一个要求交易J Rich的大动作,太阳队显然地需要人才,设法取得2个选秀权来帮助他们的重建工作,一个对双方都好的交易~

As the draft progresses, you will be informed of completed trades where CPUteamshave successfully traded up or down to get their guy. As the user, youhave the abilityto stop the draft at any point to try and trade for thecurrent pick (CPU teams willbe offering you as well during the draft). I havefound this to be very handy whenI start to get antsy that my guy is going toget taken before it is my turn to pick.We’ve made trading in the draft VERYeasy this year courtesy of the Trade Finder,which I will discuss below.Actually, I love this feature. Let’s discuss it now…

Player Finder / Trade Finder
Over the course of developing 2K11’sThe Association, these two features veryquickly became my two best friends.Let’s start off with the Player Finder. Withthis feature, users can findplayers in the league that meet any search criteriayou want. An example ofthis in use is as follows. I’ve started a new Associationwith the 76ers, butI’d like to find a new PG to run the team as I don’t see LouisWilliams or JrueHoliday in my future plans. Here is what I need: A PG that is under28 yearsold, that makes less than 10Mper year, that has a B+ or Better Outside Shot,and that has a B+ or BetterPerimeter Defense rating. Just like that, I have a listof every player in theleague that fits my criteria. When used properly, Player Finderis a veryvaluable took for team building and filling out your roster. Findingspecialistshas never been easier.

Let’s move on and discuss the Trade Finder. This feature, simply put, allowsyouto make trades without having to deal with all of the complicated NBA rulesrelatedto making a successful trade. This feature is as simple as going to theTrade Findermenu, looking for the player that you want to trade for, andasking the team “whatit will take” to get a trade done. They will return toyou with a list of tradesthat they would accept for this player. Just becauseyou ask for a trade though,doesn’t mean you should accept it to be fair. Ifthe team doesn’t want to part withthe player, they may propose some tradesthat are clearly to their advantage. Beyondthat, sometimes the team just won’tfind an acceptable trade for that player at all.If you are a team with notalent and you go to the Heat asking for a LeBron James,you’ll likely get nooffers for them. Another twist in the Trade Finder feature thatis useful is howyou can use it on your own players. In my 76ers Association, I cango to my ownteam in the Trade Finder and select Louis Williams. After pressing Start,I’llbe presented with offers from every team in the league (every team that madeanoffer that is). If you see one that is close, but not exactly what you arelookingfor, you can simply take the trade to the regular trading menu and makeadjustmentswherever you see fit. In short, executing trades in NBA 2K11 iseasier than it everhas been. Give it a try and see for yourself.

remix20 发表于 2010-9-23 23:42


春风吹战鼓擂 发表于 2010-9-23 23:57

a126438786 发表于 2010-9-24 00:08


hjinlong 发表于 2010-9-24 11:32

390417552 发表于 2010-9-24 12:56


zoroiverson 发表于 2010-9-24 13:42


lwj23 发表于 2010-9-24 19:27


492142374 发表于 2010-9-24 21:02


d88d 发表于 2010-9-24 21:19


hjinlong 发表于 2010-9-25 18:50

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