hjinlong 发表于 2010-9-23 23:20

NBA 2K11-新文章!Association Insight王朝模式的介紹(3)



Dynamic Attendance
If you read the Presentation Insight that DDP posted last week , you’ll recallhismention on how they implemented Dynamic Attendance into the game. I’vetaken thissystem and expanded on it for The Association, to great success.Allow me to explainthe high level details of the feature in the event you didn’tread the above-mentionedInsight.

Dynamic Attendance is a feature that aims to re-create realistic crowd sizesbasedon real-life attendance levels. A game like Bobcats @ Bucks isn’t like tosell outthe Bradley Center, but Heat @ Bucksis a surefire way to pack the house. Beyondthis, Dynamic Attendance aims toemulate fans arriving late to the game and leavingearly in blowouts. Withinthe scope of The Association, we have added a number ofnew variables to ensurethat the right amount of crowd is on-hand to cheer at yourgames.

The important thing to note is you can change the culture of a franchise.Youcan take the Nets and sell the place out with the right personnel and somewins.You can take a team like the Lakers and turn them into one of the lowestattendedteams in the league. While quite complex, the system is fundamental onthe surface.Star players and Ws bring people to the stands. Trading away ornot re-signing yourbest players coupled with losses drives the fans away.

Events that happen during your season will absolutely have an effect on yourfansand their propensity to come to the games. If your team goes on a little 5game winningstreak, the buzz will start to build. If you trade for a starplayer rated 90 orabove, the buzz will grow very loud. On the other hand, ifyou make a trade whereyou trade away that 90+ rated player and don’t get muchin return, the fans willbegin to lose confidence in the team. Additionally,once the team is eliminated fromplayoff contention, you will slowly see theattendance decline until season’s end.You don’t blame the fans in that case,do you? Dynamic Attendance is one of thosefeatures that you begin toappreciate more and more as you play through your Association.The varyingcrowd levels really give you a sense of the status of a given franchise,andequally, how ‘big’ of a game you are playing in.


The Little Things
For anyone that has read one of my Insights before, you know I love to pointoutthe Little Things. Little Things are small additions to the game that oftenmakea world of a difference, though that’s not necessarily apparent from theirdescription.The following is a few of the items that stood out the most to methis year.

Hall of Fame: New to The Associationthisyear is the Hall of Fame. As players play through their careers, weinternally keepa ‘Hall of Fame’ score that tallies their accolades andstatistical accomplishments.Upon retiring, proven players will be selected tothe Hall of Fame where you’ll beable to reminisce on their careers whileviewing their career stats and accolades.

Classic Teams: I’ve seen so muchdiscussionon this in the forums despite us previously confirming this. Yes,you absolutelycan take our classic teams into Association. This means you canbring any of Jordan’sBullsinto the league. Equally as fun I have found is to bring in theMalone/Stockton Jazzand the Ewing Knicks alongside the Jordan teams. It’s aninteresting wrinkle to theAssociation formula that people in the office havebeen enjoying for months now!

Player Progression Tracking: Attheend of every season, you will now be presented with a menu that will you showyouhow much your players have progressed/regressed since the last offseason.You’llbe able to see both the before and after for every rating, for everyplayer in theleague. This is a very handy feature that will definitively tellwho is in the up-and-up,and who is on their last legs.

White House Visit: This one is quitepossiblymy favorite visual addition to the mode this year. Every offseason,you have theopportunity of watching the team that won the Finals visit BarackObama at the WhiteHouse. The White House Visit consists of the championshipteam donning suits andposing for a variety of pictures with Barack. It’s apretty simple thing, but it’swhat I like to call icing on the cake.

My beloved Clippers are seen here visiting the White House after dispatchingtheHeat in 5 games at the NBA Finals. A man can dream, can’t he?

Auto-GeneratedPortraits: Forthose of you who play many yearsinto Association, you will recall from last yearthat all generated players hadsilhouettes for their portraits. Aside from beingunsightly, this really drawsyou away from the authentic feel of being in the NBA.In NBA 2K11, ALLgenerated players will have auto-generated portraits that will 100%resemblethe physical appearance of the player. No longer will you have a leaguefull ofplayers who have silhouettes as portraits!

Autosave: For those of you who were frustrated bythe inabilityto disable Autosave within Association last year, we havere-engineered the modesuch that box scores are not lost when there isn’t asave file present. In short,yes, you will be able to successfully turn offAutosave this year if you so choose.

Intra-Squad Scrimmages: Another newfeaturethis year is the ability to run Intra-Squad Scrimmages with your team.Here, wepit the starting 5 against the best of your bench players. You canchoose to runwith the starters or with the bench unit. This is a great way toget some time withsome of your lesser talent in a ‘game’ situation withouthaving to worry about Lspiling up in the loss column.

Simulator Improvements: We spent a lot of time this year working on our simulator and the variouscomponents of it. For starters, you will notice that simulated stats will be muchmore accurate this year as we continue to tweak and tune our stat engine to be closerand closer to real life. I can personally guarantee that Chris Bosh will no longerbe your league leader in Rebounding! As for how it determines who wins and losses,we put a lot of effort into the matchups when simulating the games possession bypossession. In previous years, it was not uncommon to have a 6 seed playing a 5seed (or some similar configuration) in the NBA Finals. Upsets should occur at amuch lower frequency now and will be dictated exclusively by matchups. We reallyfeel we hit the nail on the head this year in regards to the simulator.
我们花了很多时间再对于仿真器跟多样的内容上,对于初学者,你将会注意到今年由于我们持续压榨数据引擎让他更接近真实生活所以仿真数据会更加正确,我个人保证Chris Bosh不再是今年联盟的篮板王,说到如何决定输赢,我们花了很多力气在于模拟对战上,前几年,在总冠军赛并非罕见的看到第五种子对上第六种子(或是一些相同的情况),今年会有很小的机率会如此翻转,在对战中也会被特别的命令出来,我们对于今年仿真器是一针见血的改进

New Metric Stats:I can admit that I am a huge stats/numbers geek. I’m always looking for new waysto measure players against one another, to find out who stands out from the crowdin various ways. There are a number of new Metric Stats in The Association thisyear, the following is just a few of them:
Rebound Rate: Thisstat will tell you the percentage of rebounds a player grabs during his time onthe court. The true rebounders are on your team will immediately jump out at youhere.

Usage Rate: Thisstat will tell you the percentage of offensive possessions a player is personallyresponsible for ending while he is on the floor (either via a field goal attemptor a turnover).

Estimated Wins Added: This stat aims to estimate the number of wins that a player adds to a team’sseason total above what a league average player player at that position would add.This is a great tool to determine where upgrades are needed on your roster.

Splitting The MLE: This one is short and sweet. Users are now able to split the MLE amongstas many players as they want during free agency. This should give you a little moreflexibility when it comes to filling out your teams.

D-League Utilization: CPU teams will now be making effective use of the NBA D-League this year.They will be sending down young players who aren’t getting enough playing time toensure they continue to develop. Remember, the more playing time young players get,the better the chance they have of reaching their full potential. If you draft aplayer and stash him on your bench for a few years, his development will take asignificant hit. Give your players every opportunity to develop into all they canbe!

Morale & Foul Trouble: A highly requested addition, players will no longer take negative moralehits when they don’t play their desired minutes due to foul trouble. They will nowonly get mad at themselves and not at you for keeping them off the court!

Season Awards: Where appropriate, Season Awards are now handed out properly using the 2guards, 2 forwards, and 1 center format rather than how we have had it in yearspast where it was strictly, 1 PG, 1 SG, 1 SF, 1 PF, and 1 C. It should be notedthat the All-Rookie teams are also now handed out without respect to position.

Wrapping It Up
As you guys can see, we’ve put a lot of work into TheAssociation this year. So many developers out there tend to ignore their franchisemodes for years on end. At 2K, we realize this is where you spend the majority ofyour time, so we are constantly working to improve the experience year-over-year.With the changes we have made this year, I can honestly say this is the best ‘franchise’mode the company has ever put out, and it’s not even close.

October 5th is coming up fast, so make sure and placeyour pre-order to ensure you’re the first of your friends playing NBA 2K11 on releaseday. This game is worth it folks, trust me. Good luck with your ‘Chises!



lyq1519 发表于 2010-9-23 23:40

对啊 不过现在有完整的了 在装载一次吧~

lyq1519 发表于 2010-9-23 23:42

Auto-GeneratedPortraits: Forthose of you who play many yearsinto Association, you will recall from last yearthat all generated players hadsilhouettes for their portraits. Aside from beingunsightly, this really drawsyou away from the authentic feel of being in the NBA.In NBA 2K11, ALLgenerated players will have auto-generated portraits that will 100%resemblethe physical appearance of the player. No longer will you have a leaguefull ofplayers who have silhouettes as portraits! 自动生成肖像对于那些可能会玩好多年王朝模式的人来说,你将记得去年所自动生成的肖像轮廓,除了丑还是丑,这实在是会把你抽离在NBA比赛的拟真感,在NBA2K11,所有生成的球员将会自动生成肖像,而且将会是100%跟外观相符的肖像,你将不会再有个充满肖像轮廓的联盟

春风吹战鼓擂 发表于 2010-9-23 23:46

a126438786 发表于 2010-9-24 00:03

太好了 感谢啊

mvpko 发表于 2010-9-24 09:43

492142374 发表于 2010-9-24 10:49

lxc193 发表于 2010-9-24 10:59


sb699 发表于 2010-9-24 11:00


hjinlong 发表于 2010-9-24 20:27

455640437 发表于 2010-9-24 20:28

492142374 发表于 2010-9-24 21:01


vicki515 发表于 2010-9-24 21:04


d88d 发表于 2010-9-24 21:23


kobe.bryant 发表于 2010-9-24 21:24


gueylunmei 发表于 2010-9-25 10:51


acjq 发表于 2010-9-25 23:27

让我们静候NBA 2K11的王者君临吧!

henry1467 发表于 2010-9-26 08:54


W1986542 发表于 2010-9-26 10:18


nba2k12 发表于 2010-9-26 12:54

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