NBA 2K11-新文章!Association Insight王朝模式的介紹(1)
NBA 2K11-新文章!Association Insight王朝模式的介紹(转)翻译来源:巴网的robertlai板友,感谢您~
Over the past few years, we have implemented some very successful, Player Roles, Player Ambitions, Player Morale, Player Personalities,andso on. I feel like these additions have defined the 2K Associationexperience. Movingforward, I would like The Association to be defined bysomething completely different,and that’s the smartest AI of any franchisemode across all sports titles.
To achieve this goal, the main focus for us this year has been to completelyre-writethe underlying logic that drives the mode, along with adding newsystems that willhelp the AI to make the smartest decisions possible at alltimes. Every time theCPU makes a move, they are making it for a very precisereason. It may not be completelyevident to you at first as they often thinktwo, three, even four steps ahead, butthey are always thinking, always assessing.They have brains this year folks; hereis how we did it…
Team Building & States
The core system that has been added to the AI this year is one called TeamBuilding.This system actually oversees the other systems (which I’ll detailbelow). As thename implies, this system is responsible for building thestrongest team possiblewith respect to the style employed by the coachingstaff. The first step in buildinga successful team is identifying what theteam’s current goals are. This year, ourAI classifies a team into one of thefollowing four TeamStates:
Contending: This is a teamthat has the pieces to win the title. They won’t beoverly active on the market asthey don’t want to disrupt their chemistry, butthey certainly won’t let an advantageoustrade slip by should one presentitself. When you think Contending team, think theLakers.
Buying: This is a teamthat is a stepbelow the contending teams, but is only a solid acquisition or twoaway frombeing able to take that next step. The AI will actively pursue an upgradetoany deficiencies in its starting lineup and/or the first few players off thebench.If the piece is a perfect fit, the team will often mortgage the futureto get thatplayer. When you think Buying team, think the Blazers.
Selling: This is a teamwhose windowhas closed and they are clearly trying to move their aging/bad contractsforyouth/picks. It’s not common for a team to be in this state long in our game,orin the real NBA. When it happens though, it’s best to strike while the ironis hot.When you think Selling team, think what the Wizards did last season orwhat the Celticsand Spurs will be doing in approximately 12-24 months fromnow. Sorry Celtics andSpurs fans. Reality is coming soon…
Rebuilding: A large portionof theNBA teams tend to live in this state for long periods of time. This is seeninour game as well. Rebuilding teams are, simply put, looking to upgrade theirrosters.They are looking to build through the draft, through free agency, andthrough trades.Rebuilding teams aren’t interested in your aging, overpriced35-year old guard. Ifyou are going to offer one up to a rebuilding team, theyare going to value him quitelow (unless you pair a nice draft pick alongsidehim), meaning you’ll be gettingpennies on the dollar for him. When you thinkRebuilding teams, think the Timberwolves,Wizards, Kings, etc.
Teams are very cognizant of what state they are currently in, and they willupdatetheir state as their rosters change. The entire logic for the mode thisyear is designedaround this logic model, and its implementation has paid offin spades. You’ll seethat as we move through the rest of the logic systems.
Roster Building
Beyond the Team States, our new Roster Building system is very much awareofthe current roster. In previous versions of NBA 2K, it wasn’t uncommon for ateamlike the Hornets to go out and sign a top-flight point guard in freeagency. WithChris Paul and Darren Collison on-board, that makes nosense…whatsoever. In NBA 2K11,the CPU is smart enough to know that the Hornetsshould be upgrading the wing positionsideally, or at the very least, theirbench.
Teams are visibly different in their approach to Roster Building, and thisallties back to the head coach and the types of offense and defense he runs.Simplyput, teams tend towards players that fit their play style. These playstyles arespread out across Tempo (half court vs. transition), Team Focus(offense vs. defense),Focal Points (forwards vs. guards), Player Style (skillplayers vs. athletic players),and Shot Preference (inside vs. outside). Theexciting thing about this new systemis that you will see teams with uniquestyles emerge as The Association plays out;it will no longer just be ahodge-podge of players thrown together onto a team.Heck, you can see thisyourself early on this year by simply running a fantasy draftand noting thestyles of players drafted to each team.
不同的队伍它们有不同的方法去建立球员阵容,这一切又回到教头的攻防风格,简单说,球队倾向适合他们球风的球员,这些战术风格会表现在"节奏"(半场VS跑轰),"球队焦点"(进攻VS防守),"得分点"(前锋VS后卫),"球员风格"(技术型VS体能型)和投射偏好(禁区VS外线),这新系统令人兴奋的是你将会在王朝模式中看到具有独特风格的队伍,这将不再只是个把球员们放在一队的大杂烩,见鬼啦~,你可以利用梦幻选秀来早早就看到这一切,并注意每个球队选的球员风格~ receives a facelift for NBA 2K11, in additionto a number of upgrades, that makes this your one-shop stop for any new pertainingto your Association.
Player Valuation
With Team States and Roster Building out of the way, our next step was toreplacethe Player Valuation system. After all, players are going to havedifferent valuesto different teams now with the Roster Buildingsystem. The Player Valuation systemis responsible for, as the name implies,valuing the players. This includes the AIthat is used to determine how teamsvalue their own players based on the team’splay style, how much players askfor in free agency, and how much they are willingto accept.
In previous versions of the game, it wasn’t uncommon to see middle-tier playersaskingfor max contracts, or at the very least, contracts much higher thantheir actualworth would indicate. With this new system, player salaries shouldbe a lot morein-line with their actual worth.
One thing to always consider though is that some players perceive their skillstobe much greater than their worth (this is something NBA 2K11 models). We seethisevery year in the real NBA where teams feel pressured to make a signing tokeep theirfans and ownership happy. Does anyone remember the Maverickssplashing $30+M forDesagana Diop a few years back? Point being, sometimesteams overpay to get theirguy. It’s a part of the business, which we feelmakes it important to make it apart of this game.
Trading Logic
With Player Valuation complete, replacing the Trading Logic system was theobviousnext step in our revamp of the under-the-hood AI systems. The firstthing we didto help teams was to help them identify who they should andshouldn’t keep on theirteams. Much of this is handled by the Roster Buildingsystem described above, butanother safeguard that was used in the game is theaddition of a new ‘Player Role’,called the ‘Core’ role.
Core players are guys like Kobe, Wade, LeBron, D. Howard, etc. These areguysthat are so valuable to their team, that a trade involving one of these playersisincredibly unlikely. I’m not here to tell you that you can no longer tradefor theseplayers, but I can tell you the CPU will be much, much stingier inparting with aCore player. In fact, they’ll demand one in return. Don’t expectto package two82-rated players and grab a Core player in return. Not happeningthis year.
Beyond the addition of the Core role, the system now features new logic thatcanbe best described as, “do I really need this player?” If you are trying tomake atrade with the Jazz where the best player they are getting back is apoint guard,they aren’t going to be overly interested as they now have theknowledge that theyalready have a Deron Williams filling the starting PG slot.When you offer a tradeto a CPU team, that team will assess what their lineuplooks like pre-trade as wellas post-trade. This alone gives the CPU atremendous amount of knowledge that itdid not have in the past. In fact, priorto NBA 2K11, the trade system would simplylook at the value of the items beingswapped and make the deal if the values wereclose enough. This is how youended up with CPU teams trading for stars at positionsthey already had starsat. I’m pleased to say this is no longer an issue with NBA2K11.
Signing Logic
The final system in line to be revamped was our Signing Logic system. AsImentioned above in the Player Valuation section, player signing values shouldbemuch more in-line with expected return. Beyond this, the Signing Logicsystem hasbeen updated to use the new Roster Buildingsystem. When teams are signing playersin both in-season and offseason freeagency, they will be looking for players thatfit their team mold, and evenmore importantly, their current team needs. They willalso be looking at whatthe player has accomplished over his career (or as we callit internally, his‘fame’ level) when choosing between players. On a veteran contendingteam, whowould you rather have, a 75 rated journeyman with no career accomplishmentsora 75 rated player who was a 7-time all-star and had a couple all-leagueappearancesin his earlier days? Exactly. Not all players of the same ratingare created equally,and the teams use that knowledge to their advantage whensigning players.
The other half of the system that has seen updating is how Player Ambitionsareused when signing players. Player Ambitions now play a stronger role indeterminingwhere players choose to sign. Pay close attention to theirAmbitions (Play For Winner,Financial Security, and Loyalty); they have neverbeen more important! Through allof this, the important thing to note here isthat we have tied all of the logic fromthe above systems into the SigningLogic system, and that level of AI intelligencewill expose itself as you playthrough the mode.
NBA Draft 2.0 + Draft Day Trades
With our under-the-hood logic tasks out of the way, I felt it was importantforyou to have some ‘tangible’ features. Something you really sink your teeth intoandplay with. At this point, the area most in need of a revamp in my eyes wasthe NBADraft. It’s always been a bit of an eye sore, no doubt. This year,we’re in a fullyrendered environment at Madison Square Garden with David Sternmanning the podium.This visual alone creates a much more intimate environmentthat draws you in closerto the experience.
NBA选秀2.0 + 选秀日交易
It’s not hard to see how the draft has improved visually this year. On theleftwe have NBA 2K10’s draftexperience. On the right is what you will see when youget your hands on NBA2K11. Which one would you rather play? Me too.
不难想见,今年的选秀会提升了视觉享受,在左边是2K10的选秀体验,右边的是2K11的,哪一边你比较想玩呢?我也是~ 帖子的字数有限制,所以只能分成这样了 我天 太NB了 这英文翻译的 翻译的很好啊,本身这些新特性也让人激动。。
这货不是王朝,是第二个NBA啊 BOSS太囧了`` 看得我全身酥软啊~~爽啊 期待啊!! 看了就后悔啦!!想玩啊!!!55555 很好,希望说的跟真的一样 太爽太牛逼了! 2k11的王朝模式有很大革新啊,严重支持,希望2k的王朝模式越来越好~ 完了。等待何时是个头啊,=这样的王朝才是希望的啊