等了这么久 一直没得玩今天看到 隔壁有破解了想 下班就可以回家试试, 无聊去看下邮箱 居然....Welcome to the Test Drive® Unlimited 2 Closed Beta test! Be one of the first people to experience this new Massively Open Online Racing® game. Define your own online persona through unparalleled customization of your avatar and vehicles, and the acquisition of property, clothing, and other accoutrements of a luxurious international lifestyle.
Join us for a playtest on Tuesday September 14th, 2010 from 10AM to 7PM PDT!!!
More playtest dates will be announced as the Beta program continues. Please keep an eye on the Test Drive Unlimited 2 Launcher for updates.
Test Drive Unlimited 2 brings all-new race types, vehicle classes, environmental challenges, locations and much more!
This is a work in progress; throughout the beta test the game will change as we implement and polish new features and respond to your feedback on the Beta Forums.
Important - Please Read
In order to participate in the Test Drive Unlimited 2 Closed Beta you will be asked to accept a Non-Disclosure Agreement.
All Beta related discussions must take place on the Test Drive Unlimited 2 Beta Forums at http://forums.testdriveunlimited2.com/forumdisplay.php?f=676
Posting any Beta related threads on the open Test Drive® Unlimited 2 forums is strictly forbidden and your beta access may be revoked
Once you have activated your Closed Beta Key - You must log out of testdriveunlimited2.com and then back in to view the Beta Preview Menu on the site.
Closed Beta Registration Instructions
Activate Your Test Drive® Unlimited 2 Closed Beta Account:
Your Registration Key is: 9JPN-U5ED-27P9-XXXX
You can skip to Step 3 if you have already registered on our site with a previous key.
Click here to activate your Registration Key: www.testdriveunlimited2.com/enter_key
If you have not already created an Atari Account, you'll need to click "Create an Account" after entering you beta key.
Accept the Non-Disclosure Agreement after registering your key
Click the Download Link and follow the instructions to download the client: Note - If you have installed a previous version of the TDU2 Beta client, you will need to uninstall before installing the latest client. Also, even though the client will launch you will not be able to create a character or begin playing until the next scheduled playtest. Refer to the launcher notes for the next scheduled playtest time.
Say Hello on the Closed Beta Forums http://forums.testdriveunlimited2.com/forumdisplay.php?f=676
NOTE: This invitation is for your personal use only. If you choose not to participate, do not forward this information to anyone else.
Please do not share any part of the invitation, or your status as a beta participant with anyone, including the official Test Drive Unlimited 2 forums. We appreciate your cooperation.
If you have any questions or need assistance with your account, e-mail us at beta@testdriveunlimited2.com
Thank you very much for taking the time to consider being part of the Test Drive Unlimited 2 Closed Beta!
The Test Drive Unlimited 2 Team 我也是呢..出破解時才給Key.... 还得等官方开F了才能玩