为嘛SEA能上US, US不能上SEA。。。
今天用大脚上了SEA,前面都可以,可以登录,但是两个协议选了accept之后,就弹出说该账户没有游戏。。。囧。。。 认了吧,US就是被SEA上的命!
SEA瘾笑飘过~~ SEA贵 莫非楼上也是被EBgames黑了99.99的同学? 为嘛我SEA只能上SEA, 不能上US。。。
回复 4# kay709394 的帖子
貌似 最便宜的时候是 刚出的时候 dicksmithJBHIFI都是 70 还都缺货 等货补齐之后 全部上涨到了80=。=EB 就是坑人的貌似 target 也不贵呢 去年买COD6才80现在去EB JBHIFI 都是 89.99=。= 偶的东南亚版 还是500港币买的。不能上要哭死了 。约 440到450 RMB偶的欧版才买36.5镑,晕死。。 36.5 约为 380 到 390 RMB ,
回复 8# omfglol 的帖子
偶买的MF,才360人民币,估计是相当便宜的实体版本了。。。。 看來香港買比較好啊 有東西送 HKD$488 東南亞的 沒辦法... 寡人剛入手東南亞,第二天它竟然降價¥30!!watch out!另外看BN官方更新新聞說是要下載什麼客戶端才可以登錄美服的,在星際2遊戲的NEWS裡可見。
With the announcement that North American regional access will be provided to those who purchased a
Southeast Asia/Australia/New Zealand standard or collector’s edition of StarCraft II, some of you have
expressed concerns regarding your ISP download caps. We wanted to let you know that it will not be
necessary to download a new StarCraft II client to play in the NA region.
Instead, we are currently planning for an in-game region selector to be added via a patch at the same
time or before NA client access is provided to SEA/ANZ players. Using the in-game region selector would
enable you to choose which region you will play in afteropening your existing copy of StarCraft II. If an
in-game solution can’t be implemented right away, then alternatives will be provided, such as offering a
small file download that would duplicate the intended functionality and allow your existing client to access
the NA region.
Our goal is to ensure that you have the best experience with StarCraft II possible, and for that reason, we
encourage players in the SEA/ANZ region to connect to the local Battle.net servers for a lower latency, better
gameplay experience. That said, we’re working to provide the additional access described above as soon as
possible. If you have further questions about North American regional access, please refer to the FAQ. 能上US服了还有必要上SEA服吗? 網速問題,排名問題都有上SEA的必要。