MJ2009.6.15 发表于 2010-9-8 17:23

NNBA2K11 PC版 官方介绍:PS3,X360和PC的内容完全一样(9.8)

NBA2K11各版本内容是一样的,会有MJ modemp player 模式 选秀大会

Jordan Challenge – Relive 10 different legendary games from Michael Jordan’s career and replicate in NBA 2K11 what MJ did on the court. Successfully reenact all 10 game scenarios to unlock the MJ: Creating a Legend mode.

挑战乔丹 - 体验乔丹生涯的10个经典时刻并将其重现与2K11中。成功完成10个剧情将会解锁一个新模式:乔丹传奇
Historic Chicago Bulls Teams – Ever wondered how the Lakers of today might fare against the Michael Jordan led Chicago Bulls? Get the chance to play as some of the greatest teams in NBA history as the 1985-86, 1989-90, 1990-91, 1991-92, 1994-95, 1995-96, 1996-97, and 1997-98 Chicago Bulls squads are put at your fingertips in Quick Game mode.
传奇芝加哥公牛队 - 是否考虑过今日的湖人队会惧怕昔日 Michael Jordan 带领的芝加哥公牛队。在QuickGame模式中,控制NBA史上最强大的 1985-86, 1989-90, 1990-91, 1991-92, 1994-95, 1995-96, 1996-97, and 1997-98 芝加哥公牛队。
My Jordans – While playing through NBA 2K11, users will be awarded pairs of Air Jordans for hitting game milestones and accomplishments. Collect the entire line of Air Jordan shoes that MJ wore throughout his career and gain specific attribute bonuses when you have them equipped.
我的乔丹系列 - 当你玩2K11时,玩家达到某个里程碑或完成某些任务便会获得Air乔丹系列的鞋子。可以集齐MJ生涯中穿过的全部Air乔丹系列,穿着它们还可以获得特别属性的加成。
MJ: Creating a Legend – Complete the Jordan Challenge to unlock this special mode where you get to take control of a newly drafted rookie Michael Jordan and craft your own version of Michael’s career in the NBA.
MJ :制造传奇 - 完成挑战乔丹便可以解锁这个特别模式,可以让你控制一个新秀乔丹,去成就一个属于你自己的乔丹生涯。
ALL-NEW IsoMotion? Dribbling Controls - Delivering the most realistic feeling and reacting dribbling system to date with seamless transitions between ankle breaking moves. Coupled with an all-new gesturing system allowing users to intuitively translate thought to motion and dominate like Michael Jordan from the perimeter to the paint.
全新的 IsoMotion? 运球操作 - 带给你目前最具真实感还有反应的运球系统,踝关节动作间的无缝隙衔接。加上全新的姿势系统允许玩家把自己心想的动作直接变成现实动作,控制着像乔丹这样的球员去突破。

ALL-NEW Dynamic Shot Control – Take your offensive game to the next level with an unprecedented amount of control via the enhanced Shot Stick?. Dozens of new shot types, from layups to jumpshots to dunks and everything in between, are completely under the user’s control with the flick of a stick. The new Shot Branching system also allows you to adjust your shots on the fly in mid-air just like MJ and ensures that you’re never stuck in long drawn out animations.
全新的动感跳投系统 - 通过Shot Stick?(摇杆),这前所未有的操作会把你的攻击性带上一个新的层次。很多新的投篮类型,包括上篮,跳投和扣篮,还有所有类型间转换动作,统统都在玩家的控制范围之内,依靠的就是移动一下摇杆。新的动作分支系统允许玩家在半空中调整动作就像MJ一样,并且保证你不会遇到无动作可执行的情况。
BEST NBA 2K Soundtrack EVER – The GREATEST soundtrack to date featuring an eclectic mix of upcoming breakout bands and highly acclaimed hip-hop artists such as Big Boi, Drake, and even an original, exclusive track from 12 time Grammy nominee, Snoop Dogg.
最好听的NBA 2K音乐 - 到目前为止最好听的原声大碟,来自新的乐队的电子混声,还有倍受欢迎的Hip-Hop歌手,Big Boi,Drake,还有格莱美奖候选人Snoop Dogg带来仅2K独有的一曲。

6231903 发表于 2010-9-8 17:26


nba86513 发表于 2010-9-8 18:50


春风吹战鼓擂 发表于 2010-9-8 19:09

亚历大山 发表于 2010-9-8 19:40

记得注明由隔壁Znfsouth翻译 转帖也有点素质

wwffjj 发表于 2010-9-8 20:02


诸葛俊 发表于 2010-9-8 21:02

力顶; !!!!!!!!!1

as1123456 发表于 2010-9-9 02:35

我勒个去 。

zhucaiguai 发表于 2010-9-9 10:24


CRR 发表于 2010-9-9 11:45

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查看完整版本: NNBA2K11 PC版 官方介绍:PS3,X360和PC的内容完全一样(9.8)