坐上去后,在Pip-Boy上标注地点,之后打开机子上的电脑,选择第二个 第三个是记录位置,为第一个准备的 你飞走了??? 可飞往- 你在Megaton的房子(如果你有)
- 你在Tenpennytower的房子(如果你有)
- Paradise Falls(如果你已经被允许进入)
- The Citadel
- Rivet City
- 4个玩家设定点 Use 'e' to enter the vertibird.
It's a bad idea to fast travel while you have soldiers following you.
Selecting a follower then select the vertibird moves the follower into the bird.
Select a follower then the vertibird's indoor door to move him out.
Select the vertbird once to give take off order.
Use the pipboy to select a destination (might conflict with no-fast travel mods)
Or use the console and select a player set position.