Razor1911提供的破解补丁Keytro.exe工作原理是在注册表HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareBlizzard EntertainmentBattle.netS2中加入欧版的Licenses键值,附件是我用台版客户端登录battle.net后生成的Licenses,大家试试导入后能否正常运行。仅限台版客户端使用Razor1911破解补丁的用户
台版客户端使用Razor1911破解补丁使用上面的注册表破解失败的同学可以尝试使用GSC SC2 Relocalizer修改客户端语言版本。
Authorized language pack problem after proper crack?
Quote:I have written some scripts to "relocalize" a Starcraft II installation to work in an unsupported region.
Not everything has been relocalized. Map names, Achievements, Ladder Divisions and Types, Races, and some components of the Single Player Campaign are among the parts undone. Multi-player, however, is 99% localized.
DISCLAIMER: This is a 3rd party tool. It does modify data files. It could screw something up. I can't make any promises to the safety of your install or your battle.net account. You have been warned.
Step 1: Download Utility
Step 2: Extract
Extract file into Starcraft II/Support/ of a patched Starcraft 2 installation of the language you wish to use. You should now have a folder called "GSCRelocalizer-v0.4"
Step 3: Run Script
Run "relocalizer.bat".
Your Source Language is the INSTALLED language you wish to relocalize for another region.
Example: If you want to use the English (US) client on the Latin American servers, choose "enUS"
Your Target Language is a language in the region in which you wish to play. Since not everything is relocalized yet, if your region has multiple languages listed, choose the language you prefer for non-English content.
Example: If you want to use the English (US) client on the Latin American servers, choose "ptBR" or "esMX".
v0.4 - All released languages supported. Reduced to single .bat file and menu system added.
v0.3 - Actually added koKR. (Oops, forgot an important file in the previous release)
v0.2 - Added koKR, enGB, and support for non-enUS Source Language
v0.1 - Initial Release
大致意思就是从http://rapidshare.com/files/409834522/GSCRelocalizer-v0.4.zip下载这个软件,然后将文件夹GSCRelocalizer-v0.4解压缩至Starcraft II/Support/目录下,运行relocalizer.bat,先输入y继续,然后输入当前客户端的语言,比如当前客户端是台版,就输入135,最后输入目标转换的语言,比如欧版就是127,转换完成后正常进入游戏,至此完美破解。 i will try 附件呢? 附件没传上来... 附件呢?? LZ附件呢???? 恩,请上传附件吧
试试看 等你附件呢 期待中~~~~ 附件! 看到附件了,期待验证结果~~ 有没有谁成功 导入完成 游戏了 不管用啊 no-use 我也试了还是不行 我导入了,还是不行
欧版最新版+1911(keytro不能运行) 在我的机器上重装后导入这个注册表没有问题,难道Licenses中还记录了机器或者Battle.net帐号信息,但Razor1911提供的破解补丁Keytro.exe写入的Licenses也是固定的,难道在C:ProgramDataBlizzard Entertainment下的地图缓冲里还有和Licenses对应匹配的信息,有点不能理解。。 这个注册表是用台版客户端登录台服Battle.net生成的Licenses,希望更多使用台版客户端的同学导入这个注册表参与测试证明以上推论。 你理解的应该没错 不行的,导入后说要连线至BATTLE 顶起来,让更多使用台版客户端的同学们看到,一起测试研究。 顶起来~~ 我也用了那个破解补丁,没反映提示要授权语言包。下载的是繁体中文数字版,这个是台版吗??? 还是没效果。。提示要连线玻璃渣进行激活 繁体中文数字版就是台版,是用这个注册表运行OK的吗? 顶起来~~ 顶起来让更多人看到~~ 没人看?伤心了。。 没人看?伤心了。。[