重装了一把,enUS美版,升级至1.01,然后sc2_copy,在Keytro.exe+F2,进游戏,play as Guest,提示“需要经blz授权的语言包”,根本进不了单机游戏。失望。。。有没有人知道enUS如何破解?或者,请贴出razor1911的nfo文件,英文的,谢谢! “需要经blz授权的语言包”
到我的文檔里面去改游戲地區...這問題就像你用美版游戲在沒有中文語言包情況下連臺服一樣 回楼上,Variables.txt中我试着改过了,zhTW、enGB都没用,话说。。。还真没见过这么个PROPER的crack.... 确认,那个keytro的确是个破解app,耐心看完一堆冗长的p话后,提示按F2的时候再按,就有提示按了F2的效果了......
Good works, RAZOR1911.... 同样的问题,需要语言包,不过那个keytro点了F2确实没啥效果,等提示了按还是没效果。。。。求助啊。 用GSCRelocalizer调整一下区域到enGB就好了。理论上支持所有语言,美版测试有效。 GSCRelocalizer调整到enGB?这是什么意思,楼上能说详细点么?谢谢 同问 SOLUTION
Quote:I have written some scripts to "relocalize" a Starcraft II installation to work in an unsupported region.
Not everything has been relocalized. Map names, Achievements, Ladder Divisions and Types, Races, and some components of the Single Player Campaign are among the parts undone. Multi-player, however, is 99% localized.
DISCLAIMER: This is a 3rd party tool. It does modify data files. It could screw something up. I can't make any promises to the safety of your install or your battle.net account. You have been warned.
Step 1: Download Utility
Step 2: Extract
Extract file into Starcraft II/Support/ of a patched Starcraft 2 installation of the language you wish to use. You should now have a folder called "GSCRelocalizer-v0.4"
Step 3: Run Script
Run "relocalizer.bat".
Your Source Language is the INSTALLED language you wish to relocalize for another region.
Example: If you want to use the English (US) client on the Latin American servers, choose "enUS"
Your Target Language is a language in the region in which you wish to play. Since not everything is relocalized yet, if your region has multiple languages listed, choose the language you prefer for non-English content.
Example: If you want to use the English (US) client on the Latin American servers, choose "ptBR" or "esMX".
v0.4 - All released languages supported. Reduced to single .bat file and menu system added.
v0.3 - Actually added koKR. (Oops, forgot an important file in the previous release)
v0.2 - Added koKR, enGB, and support for non-enUS Source Language
v0.1 - Initial Release 懒得翻了,自己看吧