StarCraft 2 Wings Of Liberty CLONEDVD
-Crack Only-
>>>>>>>>>>>>>声明: 偶然发现,未经测试..本人只是转载补丁,不承担一切责任。也请测试过的朋友回贴说下情况。
This is a manual crk untill i make a full automated patcher for all versions to come!
THIS IS for the enGB version!!!!!
1st OFF KEEP BackUps from the files you are gona Replace!
1)the Battle.net-patch.MPQ should go to the StarCraft IIBattle.net and replace the existed one
2)the SC2.exe should go to the StarCraft IIVersionsBase15405 and replace the existed one
3)start game and if its ok you shoudl see the main b.net screen not the login screen and DOWN LEFT the Orange Button Start Campaign shoudl work! (not the single player up left)
created by Vernam7
(as promised stupid Trolls Eat your Keyboards! LOL)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>115网盘:http://u.115.com/file/f654c81835 边玩边等完美的哈哈 这是为我们这些穷人准备的 假的吧
GB? 这是真的么? 楼主好仍 破解补丁已出,但仍不完善。会产生意想不到的结果,下载请斟酌 下载不动,悲剧网络
回复 7# tony8301285 的帖子
什么意想不到的结果? 阿里213和这个应该是同一个补丁 感谢转了个地方,终于可以下了!