The MPQE decryption is vital if you want to install the game, without it those files are nothing but incoherent data which has no direct relation to the real game data.
Now since we don't have the key, we must deduce it. Think of it like when you try to open a locker and you don't have the correct combination, you just go trying all possible combinations.
The same happens in this case, just that we have 2^256 combinations, the big problem is that a computer may at best try 1000000 combinations per second (I may be exagerating here, it may be way way less; haven't read Salsa20's algorithm yet) in other words in our best case we will be able to deduce 1 million combinations per second. Yet, we have 2^256 combinations, that means it takes 2^256/1000000 seconds to try all combinations, and that would be aprox 2^236 seconds which would be 2^224 hours pretty much. As you see, that's a lot of time, we may actually die before the computer could deduce the god damm key.
If you don't believe me and still think that everything is so easilly cracked, look for a .rar unlocking tool, you'll notice that all it will do is try all the possible passwords until it finds one 好吧~楼主技术强人~ 我也觉得算了吧,反正过几天就可以安装,已经等了这么久不差再等几天! 其实还是要买Z,不上战网这游戏就是废的 这个东西一定要有战网的大量回馈信息后才能被模拟被破解,现在破解,费时费力也没用,就算安装了也玩不了! 我只想玩玩战役版。。。