Preview: NBA 2K11Preview: NBA 2K11Preview: NBA 2K11
There's a lot riding on NBA 2K11. Not only did 2K Games secure Michael Jordan -- a huge get -- but with EA looking to revitalize its basketball game with NBA Elite 11, there's more pressure on the NBA2K franchise than ever before. Being the top-selling basketball game across all platforms last year doesn't mean that NBA 2K11 can secure Jordan and then "rest on its laurels and call it a day," a 2K rep told meThe first thing 2K Sports showed me was the game's retooled presentation. The company managed to snag a producer from TNT who used to work on its NBA broadcasts, and it was immediately apparent the expertise he brought to the game. The swipes between replays (and even the replays themselves) looked more in tune with what I'd seen on TV than in other b-ball titles. The presentation showed a considerable amount of polish.2K工作人员表示“目前目光都焦距在2K11,不仅仅是因为2K拥有了乔丹的代言,还有就是EA的卷土重来。 2K系列面对着前所未有的压力。虽然去年获得全平台销量冠军,加上乔丹的到来,但是不代表2K11就可以坐享其成。”2K最先给我看的就是他们的全新的画面系统。他们从TNT广播公司请来了有NBA转播经验的制作人。这些专业相关技术便非常快的被融入的游戏之中。画面重播和画面切换,看起来就跟在电视上看的一样。现在的画面非常华丽。
The realism of the presentation was given more weight thanks to the new player models, animations and the completely rewritten dribbling engine that provides 1:1 ball-handling via the right analog stick. This year, players have a more defined look -- smaller guys look the way they should and all of the players don't have the bulky shoulders of previous years' releases. In addition, with the changes to the way the ball is handled, 2K is promising more dynamic action and less in the way of canned animations -- there's even an in-air collision system now.
画面的真实性取决于新的人物模型,动画,全新的运球引擎。去年 1对1右摇杆的运球引擎将被重写。今年,人物模型将会更加清晰。矮个子球员就有矮个子应该有的样子。不会全部球员会像去年一样,个个都粗手粗脚的。另外,2K将注重动作细节,更少的使用录制动画,今年还会有空中对抗系统。
I also learned that because a lot of players had issues with the online stability of NBA 2K10 -- really it's a problem with all 2K Sports games -- 2K Sports is looking to completely overhaul its online network. (As you may have read in this story I posted last week.) 2K promises that it will be better equipped to handle the server load, so hopefully that will resolve the online issues that plagued the previous installment.
很多玩家都抱怨2K10 online服务器很不稳定,这其实是2K游戏的通病。2K尝试彻底大修他们的online网络(或许你上星期已经读过我发的帖子)。 2K保证提升服务器硬件的质量,更好的处理服务器承受的压力,希望会解决online的问题
Sadly, 2K wouldn't budge on anything Jordan-related. When questioned regarding the rumors of possible highlight moments recreated in the game, we were given the usual "no comment." Frankly, it sounds like a great idea and while the 2K rep couldn't give me any kind of confirmation on that, he did express that the company is extremely excited to have Jordan on board. (I bet.)
For the most part, the feeling I walked away from the 30-minute demo with is that 2K knows what got it to the top and is looking to clean up some of the problems of last year's game. There's a concerted effort to up the visual strength of the title -- both in terms of presentation and actual gameplay -- and it would seem this isn't just a case of making "NBA 2K10 BUT NOW WE HAVE MICHAEL JORDAN." We'll all find out when the game launches in October.
最重要的部分就是,我从30分钟的2K demo展示得到的感觉就是2k会改掉去年遗留下来的问题。团队合力去让画面和游戏更上一个台阶。不会给人一种2k11=2K10+MJ的感觉。2k11,10月份,让我们拭目以待 居然是沙发。。。。哈哈 第 2 個耶!! 我也頭一遭 十月
等吧 期待, 看来又要换机器了.... 哇,有点期待! 求30分钟 DEMO视频 支持2k系列话说我从2k5开始就一直玩2k系列的篮球游戏了从P2到XBOX360再到PC,我始终觉得2k7是最为经典的简直可以说是2k系列中实质的飞跃。希望2K11也能有实质的飞跃吧,我I5 750 GTX275已准备好接受这游戏了~~哈哈!! 我居然拍到10L 拭目以待,期待乔帮主王者归来。 看完之后我灰常激动。
首页留名 全新的人物模型,画面系统,操作系统,全新的运球引擎,空中对抗系统,综合身体控制系统,全新的转播系统包括在赛前球员从大巴进入更衣室的画面,教练也会展现他们世界级的动作(小动作)-比如杰克逊走路,doc river(多克.里弗斯)坐着等等,这次2K11的关键词是“华丽” ,NBA 2K11≠NBA2K10+乔丹 我也拭目以待 相当期待10月的到来,王者归来!