y45677654 发表于 2010-6-19 21:45



但是做完后发现地狱门全没了,感觉上古世界里面缺了点什么 , 而且有的时候需要地狱的草药(扯淡...有也懒得去采...)或者需要印记去迈达斯那儿制造管制魔法......


set MQ00.AllowGatesToReopen to 1      
允许地狱门重开 两个值0&1   0关闭


set mq00.MaxOpenGates to 50            

set mq00.RandomGateChance to 15      

Reopened Oblivion Gates v0.9
Premise: (semi cheesy but I hate not having any lore background) During
Mehrunes Dagon's last gasp, he uses the final bit of his power on Tamriel,
creating a Deadric statue of himself and a cursed book at the site, that,
when read, causes the Oblvion Gates to re-open.

What it does: It re-opens the random Oblivion gates for those that have
finished the Main Quest and for whatever reason want to return to the
plane of Oblivion.

How to install: Use whatever program you use to unzip files and copy the
'reopenGates.esp' file to your x:OblivionData directory. Then in the
Oblivion game launcher click Data Files and double click the mod to
checkmark it in the mod list. You can install this mod either before or
after the Main Quest is complete. It makes no difference as this mod
checks to see if you have completed the Main Quest yet.

How to use (reopen the gates): Travel southeast of Anvil past Gweden Farm
to a small island just off the coast. There the statue of Dagon awaits along
with a book at it's base called Dagon's Curse. Read the book and if you have
finished the Main Quest, you will get a nice message ;-) and the random gates
will reset themselves to their state just before the end of the Main Quest.
I've included a jpg map so you can see exactly where it is if you have trouble
finding it.

Other info: USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. ;-) Now, I've been running this for a few
days now with my own game and it seems just fine, but hey, Oblivion is very
complex so it's always a good idea to back up a few of your recent save games
just in case.

Even more info: :-) As I stated above, this resets the gates to their previous
state. What this means is, if you have destroyed a lot of random gates, it is
likely they will remain destroyed, at least for a while until you get below a
certain threshold number of gates remaining at which point there will be a
chance that they will be regenerated. The design idea behind this was to get
the gates down to a number after a while where they are still there, but much
rarer. If after a while (and I think it might take a long while before you
won't have enough gates to your liking) you want to adjust the gate frequency
load up the Construction set with the mod, and find the script named
'xenReopenOGates' and edit the lines below to whatever you want:
    set MQ00.maxOpenGates to 10
    set MQ00.randomGateChance to 10

maxOpenGates is, obviously, how many random gates you want to be open at one
time, not always the same as how many there are. When you first install this
mod, it is likely that the current number of random gates is much higher than
my default of 10. :-) The randomGateChance variable is the percent chance that
a new gate (even destroyed ones) will regenerate every time you enter a new
area that the gate is in IF the current number of random gates is lower than the
maxOpenGates number.

Final notes: Have Fun. ;-)

Contact me at (remove the NOSPAM. Spam is evil): rothrin@NOSPAMrothrin.net


   set MQ00.AllowGatesToReopen to 1
   set MQ00.maxOpenGates to 10
    set MQ00.randomGateChance to 10
安装:esp丢到(你的安装目录)OblivionData   激活进去后,不管主线任务有没完成都可以安装,进去后在安维尔东南方小岛上能找到大滚雕像和叫Dagon's Curse的书,如果完成了主线任务,然后去打开书,你会发现一条不错的消息 (作者瘾笑...),然后地图上的地狱门会回到主线任务完成前的状态。具体位置参看压缩包里面的地图。


   set MQ00.maxOpenGates to 10
    set MQ00.randomGateChance to 10


dandifk 发表于 2010-6-19 21:53


飛の影 发表于 2010-6-19 21:58


kaedeng 发表于 2010-6-19 21:58

y45677654 发表于 2010-6-19 22:01


9CCN 发表于 2010-6-19 22:20


abcdefg888 发表于 2010-6-19 22:41

zhengpu1991 发表于 2010-6-20 08:28


avgener 发表于 2010-6-20 08:42


baphomet 发表于 2010-6-20 08:48


aefwt21418 发表于 2010-6-20 09:10


ansonhan 发表于 2010-6-20 10:24


408819917 发表于 2010-6-20 10:26

baphomet 发表于 2010/6/20 8:48:00http://3dmgame.chnren.com/bbs/images/common/back.gif


56243178 发表于 2010-6-20 14:28


CIHYLSZ 发表于 2010-6-20 14:55


POPO.月 发表于 2012-8-14 00:14

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