NBA 2K11 First Impressions
The NBA 2K franchise has been a scarcity at the last couple E3 conferences, but this year it looked polished enough to take to the hardcourt tomorrow. After a rough launch last year plagued with gameplay slowdowns, Visual Concepts is putting all of its efforts into polishing its seasoned champion and delivering the 60 frames-per-second sporting experience that its fans deserve right out the gate.The centerpiece of this renovation is a retooled control scheme that does away with the complicated dribbling controls of its predecessors. Recognizing that it shouldn't be so difficult to pull off killer crossovers, Visual Concepts worked to retool the way your player handles the ball. Though they wouldn't go into details, it looked like game demoer was only using the left analog stick to pull off moves that required several button inputs last year.
With new player models and completely retooled player animation systems, the on-court movement already look much smoother than they did in NBA 2K10. Animations blend together better, and players are no longer locked into their animations and rendered helpless until the move runs its course. If you're spinning toward the basket and decide to change your course, you can now break out of the animation and reverse your move or get off that delicately timed shot just outside the reach of your defender.
To complement NBA 2K's new look on the court, 2K Sports poached a guy who used to work in the TNT presentation booth to sharpen up its broadcast-style look. The Lakers vs. Celtics match-up we watched during the demo started with KG and co. coming off the bus while Kevin Harlan welcomed everyone to the Thanksgiving throwdown. The new player introductions used player images, and all of the informational overlays ditch the static look for more dynamic flow effects.
Visual Concepts wouldn't discuss innovations to its game modes, but promised that big things are in store for the Association and My Player modes. We'll hear more as we move toward the October 5 release date.
原文: 等待翻译帝 NBA 2K特许经营已经在过去的几个稀缺的E3会议,但是今年看起来抛光足以把hardcourt明天。去年在发射微弱,视觉观念是游戏性放缓把所有的努力进入其经验丰富的冠军和抛光60 frames-per-second体育经验,它的球迷们应得的权利走出这扇门。
新玩家模型和全面的球员动画系统,都已看起来非常光滑场上运动比在NBA 2K10。动画交织在一起更好,而且球员不再沉迷于他们的动画和渲染的无助,直到移动的课程。如果你正在旋转向篮下,决定来改变你的航线,你现在可以打破你的动画和反向移动或下车,细致的投篮命中率只有时间达到了你的防守球员外。
NBA 2K补充的新面貌的人只2K运动曾在TNT演示削了broadcast-style摊位。湖人和凯尔特人的对局中我们看到在演示了公斤,出现了公共汽车有限公司,欢迎大家凯文吗感恩节的围墙。介绍了新玩家使用图片,以及所有球员的信息叠沟静态寻找更多的动力作用。
视觉观念不谈,它的游戏模式的创新,但是承诺,大的事情在商店协会和我的球员。我们将听到更多像我们走向十月五日发布日期。 顶起
回复 3# dgl19941002 的帖子
又是在线翻译。 很强大 有乔帮主坐镇,游戏不大卖都难。期待乔丹转生,实现真正的23vs24... 3楼惊现网页翻译底 网页翻译好蛋疼 自己翻译的,红色为不确定部分~NBA 2K 的特许经营权都缺席了上几次的E3,但今年看来将会以足够新的姿态登场。游戏在去年大致上受到了质量下降的困扰, 今年游戏在视觉表现尽了全力,为了给广大玩家带来秒60帧的NBA赛季和冠军等他们应该得到的体验。
这次革命的核心部分是一个改良的操控方案,摒弃了之前复杂的运球控制系统。意识到不应该如此困难地面对那些杀手级交叉运球, 视觉表现改良了球员的控球方式。虽然没有深入细节,去年的时候游戏的演示者似乎还只是推动左摇杆这样几个键的来控制.
随着新的球员模型和完全改良的球员动作系统,球员在场上的移动已经看上去比他们在2K10中流畅的多。. 球员动作衔接地更好了,并且球员不再会被禁锢在他们的动作上并无助地执行固定的动作。如果你转身来到篮下并且想改变你的线路,你现在可以改变目前的动作来反向移动,或者在微妙地时间刚好在防守者控制范围之外射篮。
补充的NBA 2K的球场新面貌,2K Sports偷师了一位前TNT直播间室的工作人员,优化了转播视角。我们通过Demo看了湖人和凯尔特人的比赛,过程中我们看到了(当Kevin Harlan欢迎大家来到感恩节罚球,KG和co.落下的巴士。)新的球员介绍使用了球员形象,并且所有的信息覆盖渗透到了静态表现以达到更多的动态影响。
视觉表现谈不上这个游戏模式的创新,但是能够保证的是会有大的改变在王朝模式和My Player中。我们将会在10月5日的发售日期知道更多。 万恶的时间阿……咋没说什么时候发布呢 10月5日啊~最后一句说的很清楚~~