CA的twitterPosted on CAgames twitter.
In Spring it roams not. / Maybe eastern sun rises / Nor will it show guns
In Spring in roams not /
roams not, Romes not. we won't see a Rome 2 Total War
Maybe eastern sun rises /
Eastern sun, of the eastern civilization. Also the Japanese flag
Nor will it show guns /
SHOW GUNS, say it, it's said Sho gun.
Is this pretty much confirmation?
這是twc的網友作出的解讀。出現的關鍵字:Roams not——Rome not的諧音;Eastern sun——東方的太陽;show guns——Shogun的諧音。
地址http://pc.ign.com/ 沙发啊,不过这消息可靠么
前阵子不是说下作是罗马2么? 第一个网站没代理打不开啊。。。第二个视频那些都是E3准备展出的游戏?那就基本上是幕府将军2了。。。幕府也不错,不过希望罗马2能早点出。。。 成吉思汗! 期待~~~~~