如题 不是说下一星期吗? 本来说这周,可惜目前一点没信息! 官方说下周出,欧洲的一些服务器提示5月24日,更新。。。。 为何还没出来,不是说本周吗? 找到問題=》修復=》延期=》擬發布=》找到問題=》再次延期=》再次透露發佈時間=》再次找到問題.....現在的DICE就是這種模式 @ t3h_slowpoke Finishing the BF2142 patch for PC :) Niklas is doing BF2142 and Niclas is doing BFBC2 final steps on the
@ MrSkelter Nope, we wouldn't release a patch on a Friday.We always do patches early/mid week so we can support them if the worst happens. about 3 hours ago via TweetDeck in reply to
微博上對補丁發佈時間的解釋.個人預計是下星期3或更晚 DICE看了是玩大了,现在它说发现大堆BUG,正在修正因为'修正‘而出现的崩溃错误。 找到問題=》修復=》延期=》擬發布=》找到問題=》再次延期=》再次透露發佈時間=》再次找到問題
所以才說這是DICE的模式 大家要淡定,趁还没发布,把要削弱的枪先练练 太感谢了谢谢楼主
大家一起期待 期待更新!等的蛋疼 =========================
回复 4# star2808 的帖子
5/24,怎么还没出来?回复 14# firehawk3268 的帖子
说好这一周的,难道又延迟了。。。。。。。。。我为什么又说又呢???????????Client R8 / Server R12 are in QA
UPDATE: The next release of the game client is still in QA. We encountered some packaging errors quite late during testing.
Bazajaytee is coordinating the release. His current prediction: http://twitter.com/Bazajaytee/status/13796478951
-- the "next week" he is referring to is the week of May 17th-23rd.
We will perform another synchronized client/server update.
The client update will be roughly 500MB in size. EA没打算放弃BC2吧?